Thursday, September 10, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir (Bobbie) Inez Leonard - Pictures - page 1

Lenoir Inez Leonard Triplett
Lenoir Inez Leonard (Bobbie) was born in Sugar Grove, Kane County, Illinois, on 30 May 1904. Her parents were Frederick George Leonard and Winnie Gladys Carpenter Leonard. She was my mother's mother.

This is Bobbie and a school friend taken before Bobbie and her family moved to California. She was not happy leaving Illinois. I found the ring that her boyfriend gave her before they left. 

She also wanted to go to a teacher's college.

   When I look at this picture - I see my face. I guess I know what side of the family I look like!

I really like this picture. It was taken around 1922. So, you might be asking "Why is Bobbie laughing?" The photographer had her take her glasses off. You can see them on her lap.  She was as blind as a bat and couldn't read anything on that page she is looking at unless it was written at least 1- inch tall, in black, block letters!

Lenoir (Bobbie) Inez Leonard Triplett, in front of the garage at her and Grandpa's home on Illinois Ave, Fresno California. My mother could not date this picture, so I will list it as prior to 1949.

In 1949 my mother, Lorna, Aunt Fred, Bobbie and Grandpa Triplett went on a 2 week trip to Utah (Bryce and Zion Canyon National Parks). They also went to Salt Lake City. While they were there, they went to the Temple, now across from the Family History Library. They then went on through the area of Lake Tahoe Nevada, and then down to Fresno.
During that trip Bobbie became more irrational to the point that my mother, Lorna, took a Greyhound Bus to Fresno. She left from Salta Lake City and got into Fresno in the middle of the night. She had become overwhelmed by her mother's worsening mental condition.

Shortly after Aunt Fred, Bobbie and Grandpa arrived back to Fresno, Bobbie went to her physician, who could not pin-point what was the cause of her mental disorder.

The story was that the family finally took Bobbie to a psychiatrist. During his physical exam, I have been told, he looked into her eyes. Supposedly he said that he saw abnormal structures (I guess).

Bobbie was sent for x-rays. They were taken to the basement of Fresno Community  Hospital. My grandpa and Lorna had to carry Bobbie in a chair with down the the Radiology Department. After the x-rays were taken, I have been told that the med tech looked at Grandpa and Lorna and something such as "I don't need to be an MD to know what I am looking at in these x-rays."

Bobbie's last 2 weeks of life were spent in a nursing home in Fresno. She died December 31, 1949. 
It was 15 minutes short of the New Year. She was surrounded by family.

One of Mom's last gifts to her was a beautiful nightgown - which she never wore. My Mom and a friend - maybe San - took back the gown. When the the sales lady asked why she was bringing back the nightgown, Mom broke out in tears.

On 2 January 1950 Bobbie was buried in Belmont Memorial Cemetery, off of west Belmont Ave., in Fresno California. The grave to the left of her's is my grandfather Shirley Greene (Trip) Triplett who died in October 1982.

Copy and paste into your search engine to find Bobbie's memorial on FindaGrave:

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