Saturday, September 12, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - page 3 - Certificate of Baptism and Confirmation

Besides my grandmother's Delayed Birth record, and her 1949 death record from Fresno, Fresno County, California, this is the only documented record of her birth in 1904 Aurora, Kane County, Illinois. It reads:

Church of Jesus Christ
Latter Day Saints
Certificate of Baptism and Confirmation
Lenoir Inez Leonard
Born on the 20th day of May 1904
at Aurora State of Illinois
Was BAPTIZED on the 21st day of November 1920
At Pisgah State of Iowa
by Charles B. Woodstock and confirmed
by Charles B. Woodstock & J.A. Love
Registered in the Church Record at Independence, Mo., 24 January 1921
No. A4505                        Department of Statistics

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