Saturday, August 6, 2022

Leonard Family - Ione Gertrude Leonard Martin - Aunt Billie with Lei

This is the only "older" picture of my great aunt Ione Gertrude Leonard Martin.

She lived her life in the San Joaquin Valley in Madera County.

The family moved to Madera County in and around circa 1922-23, from Illinois. They left their family and friends and traveled 49 days as depicted in the transcription of my Grandmother, Lenoir Inez Leonard Triplett's, "published" diary.

Aunt Billie was mentioned in the diary multiple times in that remembrance book.

This picture looks very tropical. I don't know for sure if Aunt Billie was ever in Hawaii, or if one of her children brought her the dress and lei.

Either way I think it's a wonderful picture of her.

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