Sunday, May 29, 2022

Carpenter Family - Clinton Carpenter - To Uncle Clint 20 January 1899

I found this letter at some date. The letter - I believe - was written by Clint Carpenter's sister Ivy Carpenter. Clint and Ivy's mother Louise Olive Wildermuth died in 1895 in Illinois. This letter reads as follows:
                                                                Town  Loyd Jan. 20,th 1899
                                                                     Dear Clinton

Well Clint I recived your kind letter letter late last night and I must say I was more than glad for we all began to think you was not going to write to us any more and was trying to forget us. you say your wrote Ethel Soon after you, got there now She has never got [?] from you. I dont see what ever became of it for She hasn't been away from home a whole day Since you went away and we have had our mail regular. I worried for along time for fear something had happened to you. then on New Years day Dan & Chi, was here & Mother aksed her whether She had heartd from Clint & she sayd why yes she had a letter right away when you got there & She told all about what you was doing [there?]  and a week ago last Sun she come over in the afternoon with Dan on an Earend & she took particular pains to tell in my hearing that she got another letter from Clint the Friday before and you must own that it would have made you feel bad to have been in our place under the Same circumstances. But I never let anly one know how I felt about it and I just beg an to try and feel reconciled to over lot

when I got your letter and pictures and I must own I was pleased to get them I think their are just fine. we are all well only colds. Jot [?] has been an we all have been trying to grind feed. had quite a lot some days. now he just finished today rigging up to saw wood down there too with the Engine. they will try it tomorrow Merrit has been Sick had one of his spells. fell over backward in their Shanty & they sent for Jot & they carried him in the house sent for the Dr. & he injected stuff in his arm & he come to Consciousness. he was sick over a week. So Ethel & I had to help grind but Tues he was back again. well, we got some Threshing accts. Jennings, and Mr. Starkeys 7 Ethel went out all day yes, and got three dollars, of Harrace, NewKirks. we paid Hull and the day the Interest was due we went to the Center & paid it and the next day Hall come over and we paid him $5.00 and the next Mon he come by & we paid him the rest and we have got Enough now to pay what he used on that we sold our hogs. only got $14.62 for them they found fault with that Sharky hog and docked 80 lbs on him they both weighed 510 we go 3.40 per hundred. they were higher this year than ever before. $17.28.
This is all that I have of the letter that I know of. I will continue to go through papers to see if I have more of it.

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