Monday, May 30, 2022

Leonard Family - Ione "Billie" Gertrude Leonard Martin - Family picture

This picture was taken in Prunedale, Monterrey, California. The property was about 5 miles off of HiWay 101 on Meridian Road. My parents and I traveled there just about every 6 weeks so to help my great grandmother Winnie Gladys Carpenter Leonard and her daughter, my great aunt, Winniefred Olive also known as Aunt Fred.

My Aunt Billie, whose given name was Gertrude Ione Leonard.

Aunt Billie married Uncle Ervin, Ervin Dale Martin. They had 3 sons, [?]Dale, Leonard.

What you see behind the family is Abalone shells that were found on the sands of Monterrey Bay. There were Abalone shells everywhere on the property.

This picture was taken in the late 1950s to the early 1960s.

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