Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wildermuth Family - Tradition and Family History - David Clinton Wildermuth - page 1

   This historical account of the life of David Clinton Wildermuth was written by D.R. Wildermuth, David's son. This is a copy of an original I suspect. There is nothing that says who transcribed it originally. It could have been sent to Winnie Carpenter Leonard or her daughter Winniefred Olive Leonard - also known as Aunt Fred.


D. R. Wildermuth
   Traditions of the family say that at the time of the final dispersing of the tribe of Juda, at the time of destruction of Jerusalem, that after divers wanderings there settled in Germany in what was then the little kingdom of Babarathay [?], a race of necromancers. These were the ancestors of the Wildermuth family [!]. They were highly educated, as the Jews said about Christ, they did things that were not lawful for a man to do.
   A desire for freedom and the ever-present desire to better their conditions caused them to look toward the new world. At the time of the Colonial Wars, the Wildermuth brothers came to America. They were Isaac, David and William. They at once joined the Continental Army to fight with and for the struggling colonies. It is supposed that Isaac and David were  killed as they were never heard of afterward.
   After the war was over and peace declared, William settled in Pennsylvania, in what was afterward known as Berks county. He married and raised a family, following farming and horse raising. He was noted for his fine education and ability to do what other men could not do. He was also noted for his fine singing. He had a library of books in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. He was also noted for his fine marksmanship with the rifle. It is said that he never missed and what more peculiar never shot anything unless it was moving. [Continued on page 2.]
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