Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wildermuth Family - Wildermuth Family History - page 4

               This concluded the brief historical sketch of one branch of the family. We have quite a lot of historical data on this and other branches of the family but it is too long a story to write here. We also have the names of 1200 of William Wildermuth's descendants. Also the birth, marriage and death records of a goo many, but we want that data of all of the descendants of William Wildermuth. If you have not already given us that data, please see that we get it.

               Just one other tho't: have you ever tho't of the trip that William Wildermuth and his party made from Eastern Penna, to Ohio in 1805? at that time there were no roads or bridges and they had to cross 4 or 5 ranges in Penna. Likely, they came in covered wagons and brought quite a lot of their goods with them and the trip must have taken some time. That trip would be an interesting story if we knew the details and facts.
                                                                         Chas. W. Wagner
llwinch  [This document was typed by my mother Lorna Lee Triplett Winch while she was pregnant with me.]

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