Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wildermuth Family - Tradition and Family History - David Clinton Wildermuth - page 2

   The family was not large, just how many children, I have forgotten if I ever knew. After his wife died he lived with his son David. He had a little house near, where with his books and songs he passed the time, taking his meals with his son. On a certain Sunday the family had gathered to dinner when a little child was sent to call Grandpa to dinner. It returned and said Grandpa must be asleep for it called and got no answer. The mother said "No" I just heard him singing a few minutes ago." The son went to see and on opening the door found the old man lying on the bed, dead, with a smile on his face. So ended the life of the first of our family in America.
   Later, the son with his family and his two brothers moved to Ohio, while it was yet territory. They bought land in what is now Fairfield county. There he followed farming and horse raising as his father had done. Although his education was perhaps not as good as his father's yet it was far above the usual, for that time. He had the gifts of his fathers in doing things unlawful for man to do. [?] He spent his life there loved and respected by all who knew him.
   In the year 1803, just before the family left Pennsylvania, my father, David Clinton Wildermuth, was born. His mother died when he was nine years old. His father married again and as the country was new and wild, his chance for education was poor. He went to a German school for a while then later for six weeks to an English school. He had four sisters, Polly Elizabeth, Rebecca and Catherine. He had three half brothers, John Eli and ........ His Step-mother died
[continued on page 3]

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