Saturday, August 7, 2021

Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Estate papers - Page 4

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page 78

dollars. Thirdly I give and bequeth to my daughter Sarah Ann wife of Halsey Carpenter the further sum of one hundred eighty dollars, to be paid by to herby my executor when my estate is settled. together with the interest from the day of my death.
Fourthly I five and bequeath to my daughter Katharine wife of James Satterly the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executor when my estate is settled together with the interest from the day of my death. Fifthly I give and bequeath to my grandchild MaryAnn wife of Orin Beach and daughter of Henry and Abigail Vannattors the sum of two hundred dollars, to be paid to her by my executor when my estate is settled together with the interest from the day of my death. Sixthly I give and bequeath to Clarisa daughter daughter of my wife & wife of John Humphry the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executors when my estate is settled together with interest from the day of my death. 
The remainder of my property should there be any after my death is to be distrib[ited] equally amongst my four children Frances Vannattors, William Vannattors Sarah Ann Carpenter wife of Halsey Carpenter and Katharine wife of James Satterly.
And lastly I hereby appoint Erastus Potter my Sole executor to this my las will and testament contained on two half sheet of paper hereby revoking all former will by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of July in the year of
[continued page 5]

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Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Estate papers - Page 3

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page 77

together will all the here [determents] and upper fences. thereunto belonging is in anywise [?].to have and to hold the premises above described to the said Francis Vannattors his heirs and assigns forever. Secondly I give and ascribe to my son William Vannattors his heirs and assigns the piece of land in which I now live and is known as my homestead lot. bounded as follows namely on the west. by the west bound of lot No 159 in the first allotment of the Royal Grant on the north by land owned by David H. Baldwin on the east by land owned by William Burrell and on the South by lands owned by William Frances Vannattors known as the Asa Lake lot. the price of [?] hereby intended to be devised contains about fifty eight acres be at the more or less, my intension is my son William Vannattors is to leave the above described fifty eight acres of land by paying one hundred and fifty eight acres of land twenty eight dollars in cash to my daughter Sarah Ann with in one year from the day of my death. together with the interest from my death. Then my daughter Sarah Ann wife of Halsey Carpenter is to have eight acres of land to be taken off the west side of the above described fifty eight acres of land which I give and devise to my daughter Sarah Ann wife of Halsey Carpenter and to her heirs and assigns forever. if my son William Vannattors should not pay the above one hundred and twenty eight 

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Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Estate papers - Page 2

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other. That the said deceased at the time of subscribing his name to said instrument as aforesaid was upwards of twenty one years of age. that he appeared to be of sane mind and memory and was not under restraint to the Knowledge or belief of this deponent is informed and believes that said Boss is in the United States Army one out of the jurisdiction of this Court.

William Ayers                        
          Sworn examined, and}
    Subscribed this 27th day}
of February 1865 before me}
         V. Owen Surrogate


In the name of God Amen. I William Vanattors of the town of Salisbury in the County of Herkimer and State of New York of the age seventy six years and being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say

First I give and devise to my son Francis Vannattors his heirs and assigns forever fifty acres of land it being the same piece of land on which said  Francis now lives. lying on the East side of the [?] lot. and is known as part of the Asa Lake lot. and is founded as follows, namely on the South by land owned by Daniel A. Baldwin and on the East by land owned by William Burrell on the north by land owned by William Vannattors and on the west by land owned by the said William Vannattors. and the flank wood

[continued on page 3]

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Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Herkimer County NY Probate Records

This Will and Probate Record was retrieved from on 1 August 2021. The heading for this collection is "New York, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1859-1000 [for] Herkimer > Wills, Vol M-O, 1862-1870.

The webpage is:

The document starts on page 75, on the 5th line down. The document reads:

William Van(n)attors
County of Herkimer Suregates Court
For the matter of pursuing the last will and testament of William Van(n)attors deceased.

Herkimer County SS - Hiram Ayers of the town of Fairfield in the County of Herkimer and Eprhaim Boss being first duly sworn in open Court on his oath does depose and say that he and Ephraim Boss are subscribing witness to the last will and testament of William Van(n)ttors late of the town of Salisbury in the said County of Herkimer deceased. And this deponent further says that the said deceased did in the presence of this desponent and said Boss - subscribe his name at the end of the testament which is now shown to this deponent and which purports to be the last will and testament of the said deceased and which bears date on the the day of July A.D. 1865  that the said deceased did at the time of subscribing his name to said instrument as aforesaid declare the same to be his last will and testament that this deponent and said Boss did thereupon subscribe their names at the end of said instrument as attesting witnesses to the execution thereof at the bequest of the Said deceased & in his presence and in the presence of each [continued on page 2]               

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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Carpenter Family - Dryden Henderson Carpenter - Death Record & Obituary

This is the death record for Dryden Henderson Carpenter. Dryden died in Independence Missouri. He was a traveling salesman, who at one time he sold fruit trees.

At the time of his death, Dryden was retired and living with his son. The following obituary is from the Kansas City Star, Kansas City, page 8A reads as follows:

CARPENTER - Dryden H. Carpenter, 69 years old, a retired traveling salesman died Friday at the Independence Sanitarium. His death was caused by complications following influenza. He is survived by eleven children, a sister and four brothers. The funeral services were yesterday at the home of a son, C. I. Carpenter, in Independence; burial in Mound Grove Cemetery.

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