Saturday, August 7, 2021

Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Estate papers - Page 3

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page 77

together will all the here [determents] and upper fences. thereunto belonging is in anywise [?].to have and to hold the premises above described to the said Francis Vannattors his heirs and assigns forever. Secondly I give and ascribe to my son William Vannattors his heirs and assigns the piece of land in which I now live and is known as my homestead lot. bounded as follows namely on the west. by the west bound of lot No 159 in the first allotment of the Royal Grant on the north by land owned by David H. Baldwin on the east by land owned by William Burrell and on the South by lands owned by William Frances Vannattors known as the Asa Lake lot. the price of [?] hereby intended to be devised contains about fifty eight acres be at the more or less, my intension is my son William Vannattors is to leave the above described fifty eight acres of land by paying one hundred and fifty eight acres of land twenty eight dollars in cash to my daughter Sarah Ann with in one year from the day of my death. together with the interest from my death. Then my daughter Sarah Ann wife of Halsey Carpenter is to have eight acres of land to be taken off the west side of the above described fifty eight acres of land which I give and devise to my daughter Sarah Ann wife of Halsey Carpenter and to her heirs and assigns forever. if my son William Vannattors should not pay the above one hundred and twenty eight 

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