Saturday, August 7, 2021

Van Natter Family - William Vannattor - Estate papers - Page 2

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other. That the said deceased at the time of subscribing his name to said instrument as aforesaid was upwards of twenty one years of age. that he appeared to be of sane mind and memory and was not under restraint to the Knowledge or belief of this deponent is informed and believes that said Boss is in the United States Army one out of the jurisdiction of this Court.

William Ayers                        
          Sworn examined, and}
    Subscribed this 27th day}
of February 1865 before me}
         V. Owen Surrogate


In the name of God Amen. I William Vanattors of the town of Salisbury in the County of Herkimer and State of New York of the age seventy six years and being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say

First I give and devise to my son Francis Vannattors his heirs and assigns forever fifty acres of land it being the same piece of land on which said  Francis now lives. lying on the East side of the [?] lot. and is known as part of the Asa Lake lot. and is founded as follows, namely on the South by land owned by Daniel A. Baldwin and on the East by land owned by William Burrell on the north by land owned by William Vannattors and on the west by land owned by the said William Vannattors. and the flank wood

[continued on page 3]

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