Thursday, April 28, 2022

Carpenter Family - Winnie Gladys Carpenter - 1950 Census


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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Fisher Family - Eleazar Fisher - Sandwich Argus Obituary

Evening Last.
Eleazer Fisher Passes Away
At His Home on Monday

     Mr. Eleazer Fisher, the oldest man in this section and probably in Illinois, died at his home in this city on Monday, Jun 16th, 1913, at 8:00 o'clock a.m. Mr. Fisher's death was the result of an accident, he having fallen and fractured the vone in one of his hips, about two weeks ago, when he was walking about the house.
     Eleazer Fisher was born in Northfield, Vermont, September 26,1810 and at the time of his death had attained the remarkable age of nearly 103 years. In spite of his extreme age he was possessed of a wonderful vitality, and had he not met with the accident, would undoubtedly have survived for many years to come.
     On April 16,1837, he was united in marriage to Chloe C. Wright who preceded him in death many years ago. To this union ten children were born, seven sons and three daughters, the latter being the only survivors of the ten children, the sons having preceeded their father in death. The three daughters surviving are Mrs. Lydia Aldrich and Mrs. Wm. Morrill of Sandwich and Mrs. Chas. Perritt [Pruitt] of Aurora, who together with seven grand children are left to mourn.
     Mr. Fisher came to Illinois in 1857 and to DeKalb county in 1864, where he has since resided. He has always been a staunch republican and held the distinction of having voted at 21 presidential elections. Up until about 25 years ago he was a Methodist, but at that time he transferred his faith to the church of the Latter Day Saints, of which he was a member at the time of his death.
     The funeral services were held at his late home to day (Wednesday) at 1:30 o'clock, conducted by Elder Burr of Plano. Interment was made in the Pine Mound cemetery.
     Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were, Mrs. R.I. Bussard of Muskegon Heights, Mich., Fred Leonard of Elburn, Ill., [my great grandfather], Bernie Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Allie [Olive or Ollie] of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrill of Mendota.

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Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - A Mom's Lament

 I am crediting this poem to my Grandmother Lenoir Inez Leonard Triplett.  I have looked on line and have not found it. This poem reads as:


When you get old and can't get about.
When your eyes get dim
And your legs give out,
When shopping no more - 
You can't even get to the door,
What do you do for Christmas!

When the family's all grown
And out on their own.
When they are scattered about
And none going without,
When the grandkids have flown
And most have kids of their own
There are too many to do for
At Christmas!

I used to make candy and cake
But now I'm not able to bake,
Anyway, they are all on a diet
And don't even want me to buy it,
It would make them all mad
And that would be bad,
And I would'nt want that for Christmas!

I could send a card, and thank the Lord
That postage hasn't gone higher.
Or send a check, but what the heck
They would probably just bank it.
Not spend it.

I might crochet and sew, but with forty to go
There's no time for that, I am just too slow,
And they might not like it, or use it:
I have lots of love, but Heavens above
How could I gift wrap that for Christmas!

So I'll just say "Here, you are all very dear,
I could give you a kiss, it would be pure bliss,
And you would'nt have to eat it, or store it,
So stop by some day when you are out this way,
And I'll just give you a kiss for Christmas:"

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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Carpenter Family - Halsey Carpenter - Obituary

I do not know where I found this obituary. I might have found it in the Richland Public Library, in Richland Wisconsin, during one of our "Family History Tours". That would have been in 2012 or 2014 - I believe. This obituary reads as:



     Another aged pilgrim hath "tired and lain down to rest." Halsey Carpenter passed to the yonder shore at his late residence in Richland Center, January 10th. The deceased was born on the southern coast of Rhode Island, August 6, 1809. He was for many years a resident of Herkimer county, New York. It was there he was married to Miss Sarah Ann Van Atter, now 82 years of age, and who for upwards of sixty years has been sharer of life's joys and sorrows with him. To them eight sons and four daughters were born. One son and one daughter died in childhood. The rest all have families of their own. Henry, Emory, and Edward live in California. Myron in Kansas, Byron in Iowa, Silas and Dryden in Wisconsin. The daughters are Mrs. Anson Stowell, of Henrietta, Mrs. S. C. Hyatt, or Richland Center, and Mrs. O. W.  Francis, of Burr Oak, Kansas who was present at the funeral. Mr. Carpenter came with his family to Richland county in October 1856, and for many years lived in the town of Rockbridge, enduring a great deal of toil and hardship, as did many of the pioneers while striving to secure homes and sustenance in those early days. It is thought that his last illness which was of about two weeks duration, was in a measure caused by overtaxing his strength. He was never idle if he could find work. After the delirium of the first week of his illness his mind became very clear, remaining conscious to the last, happy with the thought that she who had so long journeyed with him here would soon join him on a better shore and together rejoice in a glad reunion when the loved ones all are gathered home.    

He hath borne life's heavy burden
    Far beyond three score and ten;
He reaches now, the heavenly guerdon,
    Sorrow ne'er to know again.

In fields of beauty every vernal
    By bright waters cool and sweet;
He hath found a home eternal,
    Where none walk with weary feet.

Tender memories we still cherish.
    Loving tribute, pay of tears;
His kind words can never perish
    While we journey through life's years.

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Carpenter Family - Winnie Gladys Carpenter - Ivy Carpenter Family Photo

I do not remember where I found this picture. It probably originally came from my Great Grandmother Winnie Gladys Carpenter Leonard.

This is a picture of the Carpenter Fisher family. The people in this picture, left to right are:

Ivy Carpenter Fisher
Winnie Gladys Carpenter Leonard
Audre Fisher [probably a boy - the girls stole the name from the boys as they did with the name "Shirley"]
Freda Fisher
Adelbert Fisher
DuWayne Fisher

I believe that my great grandmother was staying with Ivy after their mother, Louisa Olive Wildermuth Carpenter died. I do not know how long my great grandmother stayed with the Fishers. I do not believe that she would have lived with her father at that time. I do know that when her father moved south, that she went with him.

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