Sunday, April 17, 2022

Fisher Family - Eleazar Fisher - Sandwich Argus Obituary

Evening Last.
Eleazer Fisher Passes Away
At His Home on Monday

     Mr. Eleazer Fisher, the oldest man in this section and probably in Illinois, died at his home in this city on Monday, Jun 16th, 1913, at 8:00 o'clock a.m. Mr. Fisher's death was the result of an accident, he having fallen and fractured the vone in one of his hips, about two weeks ago, when he was walking about the house.
     Eleazer Fisher was born in Northfield, Vermont, September 26,1810 and at the time of his death had attained the remarkable age of nearly 103 years. In spite of his extreme age he was possessed of a wonderful vitality, and had he not met with the accident, would undoubtedly have survived for many years to come.
     On April 16,1837, he was united in marriage to Chloe C. Wright who preceded him in death many years ago. To this union ten children were born, seven sons and three daughters, the latter being the only survivors of the ten children, the sons having preceeded their father in death. The three daughters surviving are Mrs. Lydia Aldrich and Mrs. Wm. Morrill of Sandwich and Mrs. Chas. Perritt [Pruitt] of Aurora, who together with seven grand children are left to mourn.
     Mr. Fisher came to Illinois in 1857 and to DeKalb county in 1864, where he has since resided. He has always been a staunch republican and held the distinction of having voted at 21 presidential elections. Up until about 25 years ago he was a Methodist, but at that time he transferred his faith to the church of the Latter Day Saints, of which he was a member at the time of his death.
     The funeral services were held at his late home to day (Wednesday) at 1:30 o'clock, conducted by Elder Burr of Plano. Interment was made in the Pine Mound cemetery.
     Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were, Mrs. R.I. Bussard of Muskegon Heights, Mich., Fred Leonard of Elburn, Ill., [my great grandfather], Bernie Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Allie [Olive or Ollie] of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrill of Mendota.

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