Sunday, April 17, 2022

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - A Mom's Lament

 I am crediting this poem to my Grandmother Lenoir Inez Leonard Triplett.  I have looked on line and have not found it. This poem reads as:


When you get old and can't get about.
When your eyes get dim
And your legs give out,
When shopping no more - 
You can't even get to the door,
What do you do for Christmas!

When the family's all grown
And out on their own.
When they are scattered about
And none going without,
When the grandkids have flown
And most have kids of their own
There are too many to do for
At Christmas!

I used to make candy and cake
But now I'm not able to bake,
Anyway, they are all on a diet
And don't even want me to buy it,
It would make them all mad
And that would be bad,
And I would'nt want that for Christmas!

I could send a card, and thank the Lord
That postage hasn't gone higher.
Or send a check, but what the heck
They would probably just bank it.
Not spend it.

I might crochet and sew, but with forty to go
There's no time for that, I am just too slow,
And they might not like it, or use it:
I have lots of love, but Heavens above
How could I gift wrap that for Christmas!

So I'll just say "Here, you are all very dear,
I could give you a kiss, it would be pure bliss,
And you would'nt have to eat it, or store it,
So stop by some day when you are out this way,
And I'll just give you a kiss for Christmas:"

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