Saturday, November 20, 2021

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Marriage Record

On May 1 2020 I found this marriage record via my cousin Sue Chenoweth who resides in Southern California. She is so kind! She alerted me to the Fisher Family and their connection to the Revolutionary War. She also alerted me to Lydia Fisher's frequent marriages.

This document cam from and reads:

Page 356

          State of Vermont}
County Orange County}
Be it remembered that at Northfield in the County afore said on this 29th day of May in the year of our Lord 1802 Jeremiah Fisher of Northfield in the county of Orange and state of Vermont & Sabra Tubbs of Northfield and County and State aforesaid were duly joined in Marriage By me Moses Morse Just[ice]s of Peace Received for Received and Recorded    
                                                                    Attest Gilbert Hutch Town Clerk

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