Friday, November 26, 2021

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 1938 letter to folks

This is a letter of my grandmother Lenoir that she wrote to her parents and sister in 1938.  I think she was talking about crochet. This letter reads:

October 20th '38

Dear Folks - Happey to know - the date because I wrote a couple checks this a.m. Should be making beds etc - but decided to write first.

     Heinie we found this hankie - sorry its' yellow instead of [?]. The card is enclosed is the thread card for you Mom. You can follow the pattern on the sets I sent. You start with an 8 chain & the corner chains are 8 too. Lets see chain 8 - faster chain 3 & put in 19 doubles in the ring fasten chain 3 & put in 19 doubles in the ring fasten chain 3+ & double & chain one until you get around and have 20 spaces. You can see the rest easily. Some directions call for chain 2, but I should think it would really ruffle. It's so smooth with one chain.

     We saw Dr. Walker & Lorna's to keep on with out her glases. Shirley' will cast 22 for the bifocal lenses. Can't see it immediately. Fraid it means most no christmas.

What would you suggest for Pops & the boys for Christmas. Do you [think] a silk shirt (white) woved be acceptable? Mrs H has some pussy-willow--if there's enough it's mine to make for then. If I can make the table for Billie & Erven - that's all they will get. My oak is too narrow tho. I think I'll use pine this time. We also have the lasten[elastic?] thread. Enclosing a sample. Got me a belt - a rubberized cloth that looks like suede - do hope it will be better. Lorna will have the other one when shortened. Have the back for the chair set nearly finished. Am to take Billie & Dale to Dr R to day. I got the crochet thread at Penny's. Used a No. 6 Milward needle. Bot two runners to embroider for Elda for their christmas. Think I will send a big box of cookies south to Burbank [the Triplett's] for Christmas. Don't know


what else I could fid. Theapples make beautiful apple sause, but Shirley thinks they are not quite ripe enough. I think they are ok-He's all off the sundaes - Let me know how much the rug is going to be when its done & do tell me if it's terribly homely. I have to know the price so I'll have the money - Have 1.71 & a guarter to collect - thats 1.96. Have to figure a new income now he's quit ice cream again. He stepped on the scales the other day. Weighs `68 again. Saw Casey & Mildred a minute last evening. They say there's no business there either. No summer pick-up, same as we had. Mrs H sorry you didn't get to see the house etc mom. She says they may be able to stop if & when they next go to Pac. Grove.


Well I've raved on for quite a spell & the beds haven't made them-selves yet. Oh yes - The Murdock boy & old man Duan died yesterday & Leah Desmond died the day before. She had a ruptured appendix and didn't recover. Mary Martin etc. had her boy last Sunday morning.
     Monday nite the city Dad's took up the matter of of a bridge at Lake St & referred it to the city street commissioner. (I am getting as bad as Laura on spelling). Tues day I saw Gardener - as Leonard said he had to wade thru the mirer & he's going to do something about bus-service as he has sent a bunch of 3rd graders from that side to Pershing counting on a bridge So that'll be in hand in time. I must quit.
          With love from us all

Did Heinie [probably Aunt Fred] ever get that madera paper?

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