Saturday, November 20, 2021

Fisher Family - Lydia Aldrich Fisher - Probate - page 1

I found this probate record for my 2nd great grandaunt around 2015. This probate is rather exhaustive as Lydia was married 5 times that I know of. I found this at under Illinois, Wills and Probate Records, 1772- 1999; Dekalb County Illinois, Probate Case files, Box 752, 1917-1922. This item reads: 
No. Box 752
De Kalb County, Illinois
In the matter of the Estate of
Lydia A. Aldrich
C. L. Stinson
Fee Book   .  J    Page 1060
Date of Letters    March 2  4  -1919

Estate No. 1210           Jan - 6 1919

      March 24, 1919
C. L. Stinson.
     Sandwich, Ill.
Dear Sir:
     Letters are issued under date of March 24th. and enclosed.
     The Court has fixed upon the JUNE term for claims.
     On account of the delay of the [?] the Court thinks the May Term Will not give you time to the first Monday instead of the first Tuesday as you requested. This may cause you to readvertise for Claims.
     We can post notice at Court House if you wish, and will on receipt of notice from you.
Yours truly,                                                      

March 19, 1919
C. L. Stinson,
  Sandwich, Ill.

Dear Sir:

In the Estate of Lydia A. Aldrich, deceased.

     the Judge admitted the will to probate last Tuesday. In writing up his docket entries (after he left the office) I found the certificate of Sandwich Free Press in the publication as to Thomas Rector Fisher - whose present address is unknown, was not filed.
     Unless the Judge waived this certificate, it should be filed. 
     We further find that you oath as Executer was not filed.
     Will you please return the oath, so that Letters may issue next Monday.
     We enclose blank oath.
Yours truly,


Insurance Company of North America
Western Department

C. L. STINSON, Agent,
SANDWICH, ILL.,     MARCH 26TH                         
S.M. Henderson, County Clerk

               Sycamore, Ill.

Dear Sir:- I am in receipt of yours of 24th.enclosing Letters Testamentary i in the Lydia A. Aldrich Estate. I will re-advertise for claims and herewith hand you Executors Notice, which kindly post at the Court house and oblige.

Yours truly,
C. L. Stinson                                       

Notice to June term s[d]ocket as requested 3/27/1919

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