Sunday, October 23, 2022

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Headstone and Pension Record

This is the record of Jeremiah Fisher's pension file.

He is on the last line of this snapshot.

The line record reads as:

United States Revolutionary Payment ledgers, 1818 - 1872 7 vol F Revolutionary War pensioners

Jeremiah is the 12th pensioner listed.
The record lists his name as Jeremiah Fisher.
Rank - This looks like he was a wagoner.
I cannot read what his monthly allowance/pension was. Maybe 40 and no pence/cents?
The last notation off the line states he "Died 11th Octo 1846".
I cannot read the rest of the writing on that line.


This is Jeremiah Fisher's headstone. His wife Elizabeth is also buried/memorialized on this headstone.

I will be adding more to this website.

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