Monday, October 3, 2022

Fisher Family - Lydia Fisher - Marriage to John Heburn

This certificate was found at least 5 years ago - 2015 - in 

It was filed in the pension for Duncan McDonald brought forward by Lydia Fisher. 

She was told that she  had to divorce all of her remaining husbands who were still alive, to be able to receive the military pension from Duncan McDonald.

This certificate reads as:

STATE OF ILLINOIS.}SS  Certificate of Record of Marriage
            DeKalb County. }

I A.S. Kiersor Clerk of the County Court
of said County hereby certify that Mr John Heburn
was married to Mrs. Lydia McDonald in said County
on the fifteenth day of March AD 1865
by Westel W. Sedgwick a Justice of the Peace

duly authorized to solemnize marriages by the State of the State of Illinois, as appears by his return and certificate of marriage attached to the license granted therefor by the Clerk of the Court and now on file in my office

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and attached the seal of said County Court, at my Office in
Sycamoer this eighteenth day
of May A.D. 1898              
          A.S. Kierlor                       
                         Clerk of the County Court

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