Monday, October 3, 2022

Fisher Family - Lydia Fisher - Marriage - Luke Aldrich

 This is the marriage record of Lydia's fourth marriage. This time it was to Luke A. Aldrich. Luke was a widower with 2 sons in tow.. I do not know the ages of the boys, but Lydia reports that she got along with them well.

While I do not know the reason for the marriage ending, Luke finally took the 2 boys with him and moved to Canada. 

I have not found a divorce action against Luke by Lydia until Lydia was working to procure the pension assigned to her first husband Duncan MacDonald.

This document reads as:

This Certifies that

Luke A. Aldrich            AND             Lydia A Malay

of Plano                                         of Sandwich

State Illinois                         State Illinois




According to the ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of Illinois at Sandwich on the 13th day of of January in the year of Our Lord 

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Two 

Geo Croft

Minister of the Gospel

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