Saturday, July 31, 2021

Carpenter Family - Dryden Henderson Carpenter - 1900 United States Census, Alabama, Washington County, Yellow Pint

This is the 1900 United States census for Alabama, Washington County, Yellow River census. It is the 10th image of 25 for E[numeration] D[istrict] 120, Precincts 7-8, Yellow Pines [County], Reeds [the town].

It shows D.H. [Dryden Henderson] was a white male who was born in September 1840 and is 50 years old during the census.
He has been married for 10 year. He was born in New York; his father was born in Rhode Island; his mother was born in New York. Dryden is listed as a Fruit grower and has not been unemployed. He can read, write, and speak English. Dryden owns his property and is free and clear of a mortgage. He is listed on the Farm Schedule [census] as well.

Ella is his 2nd wife. She is a white female who was born in Wisconsin November 1851. She has been pregnant 4 times, and 2 of her children are living. Her father was born in New York and her mother was born in Vermont. She can read, write, and speak English.

Dryden's son Claud I. is a white male who was born in December of 1869; is single and is 30 years old. Claud was born in Wisconsin as was his mother. He is employed as a Telegr[raph] Operator. The census states that he has not been unemployed. He can read, write, and speak English.

Dryden's son Clinton S[hipman]. is a white male who was born in January of 1896, is single and is 24 years old. Clinton was born in Wisconsin as was his mother. He is employed as a Farmer. The census states that he has not been unemployed. He can read, write, and speak English. [Clinton is the Uncle that the Leonards drove to in California after completing their "49 day trip to California".

The last person listed on the census is Winnie G[ladys]. [She is my mother's, mother's mother. Winnie was my great grandmother.] Winnie was born in Dec of 1883, is single and 16 years old. She was born in Wisconsin. Her parents were born in New York and Wisconsin. She reads, writes, and speaks English.

I think that Grandma [Winnie] already knew her husband to be George Leonard. I know of no documentation of this except what I have been told second hand.

I don't think that Grandma was happy in Alabama. 

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