Saturday, July 31, 2021

Van Natter Family - Isaac Vannatter - Revolutionary War Records - page 14

State of New York}
        County if Herkimer} SP
                                            Be it known before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the County Aforsaid duly authorised by law to administer on this personally appeared William Van Natter a resident of the Town of Salisbury in the County and State aforesaid who being first duly Sworn according to law States that he is one of the children of Isaac Van Nattor of late of the Town of Salisbury in aforesaid County and State who was a revolutionary Soldier and that he believes the United States are still indebted under Existing laws for the pension that was due under [X] applications heretofore made and that he is directly interested as a claimant in the pension for which application was heretofore made as aforesaid And constituted and appoints George C Ames of Washington D.C. his true and lawful Attorney with full power to Examine into investigate and Establish the claim for Said pension and do all acts necessary thereto
     In witness whereof William Van Nattor has on this Twelth day of July 1854 hereunto signed his name and affixed his Seals

Witness    Francis Vannatter       his      mark
                           William             X             Vanattor
  Signed, Sealed, acknowledged}
    and Sworn to before me on}
this Twelth day of July 1854}
       Moses Rice Justice of the Peace

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