Saturday, July 31, 2021

Van Natter Family - Isaac Vannatter - Revolutionary War Records - page 15

     State of New York, }  SS
Herkimer County Clerk's office,}
I, E.T. CLELAND, Clerk of the County of Herkimer, do cert[ify]
                      Moses Rice
    whose name is subscribed to the certificate and jurat of affidavit of the instrument       was at the date thereof, a Justice of the Peace in and for[said] county, dwelling in         said county, duly elected and sworn; and that I [am] Acquainted with his                   handwriting, and verily believe the name subscribe[d] said certificate and jurat of          affidavit, to be his genuine signature.
In Witness wtherrof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said county, at Herki[mer]
18th day of July    A.S. 1854
                                                   Wm H. Barry  Deh C

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