Saturday, July 31, 2021

Van Natter Family - Isaac Vannatter - Revolutionary War Records - page 2

This page reads as follows:

Herkimer County SS: Hiram Nolton of the Town of Fairfield in Said County being duly sworn says that he is acquainted with Isaac Vannattor of the Town of Salisbury in Said County. now an applicant for a pension, and that said Isaac Vannattor sustains in the amongst his acquaintance and [?] character for truth and veracity and that his statements are entitled to credit.

 Sworn to in open Court     Hiram Nolton
S   Oct. 12th 1832 Julius C. Nelson Clerk

Herkimer County}
      Clerks Office}     I Julius C. Nelson Clerk of said County do hereby certify that the preceding affidavit was duly taken before me there being, as now, the clerk of said County and being authorized to administer such oath, and any oath to be read or used in a Court of  Record.
      In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and offered the Seal of my Office this twenty first day of May in the Year one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.                                                                          Julius C. Nelson Clerk

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