Saturday, July 31, 2021

Van Natter Family - Isaac Vannatter - Revolutionary War Records - page 5

Statsberg aforesaid to Albany. From there they were marched to Half Moon Point, and from there to Chittenster where this applicant was in service and remained during the battle of Stillwater and until about one week after the surrender of General Burgoyne when the militia were all dismissed. That after they started on this tour a waggon and horses were pressed into service and this applicant was appointed by Captain Abraham Slip (who commanded the Company in which this applicant was drafted to drive said waggon whilst they were on the march. That he served on this tour two months and an half and more. Was drafted for three months:
          That in the summer or part of the fall on 1778 he was again drafted and marched under Captain John Stienburgh from his residence to FishKill in Dutchess County and State of Newyork where they remained two months guarding the Hudson River and were then dismissed. [?] Lieutenant this serve was Joeol Shultz. [?][?][?][?][?]William Radcliff or Rapcliff. [I cannot red any of the line that is crossed out.]
          That in the month of August 1779 that Stephanous Frelich of Statsberg aforesaid with whom this applicant was living at the time was drafted for six (6) months and this applicant took his place and [?] as a substitute and was marched in the company of Captain Rermans of [Rhienbach] in Dutchess County in the Regiment of Colonel William  Radberg of Rhinebech aforesaid, to Eophus, in [Whiter] County. from thense to a place called then Mambachus towards the Pennsylvania line and in the County of [?] and state of Newyork: from thence to [?] in the same County from hence down the Deleware River a long distance to an Indian Settlement or Town on the west side of said River but the name of which this applicant cannot recollect. that it was a large settlement. the Indians in pursuit of whom they had marched had fled leaving their squaws and children there. They passed through a place called Missisink in the County of Orange and state of Newyork where the Indians had a few weeks before committed depredations burning a number of buildings and a fort. That it was to check these depredations of the Indians under Colonel Brandt or "Brand" as he was called that they were marched down to the Indian Town aforesaid. That they were on this expedition going and returning more than five of the six months for which they were under drafted.

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