Sunday, December 19, 2021

Fisher Family - Lydia Fisher - Deposition - page 2

 Q-Do you know if it was Clinton Co., or Benton County.

Ans. The name Benton sounds familiar and I believe that it is. I don't think he ever told me his sisters name.

No Heburn never told me that he and his first wife separated; he told me she was dead, and I married him understanding that to be the case. I don't know for sure if Heburn ever lived in Iowa. I only know that he said his first wife died and that his sister who lived in Iowa took his little girl. He could not read or write; and never corresponded with his daughter or sister. He had a locket with his daughters picture in it and I word it until I one day lost it. I don't know of but one living soul who knew John Heburn previous to our marriage, or who had any acquaintance with him, and that is Hank Nennis. I know of no one who knew him before he came here. The reason I think Nennis knew him and would remember him is because I one night went to the saloon to see if he was there, and I found him drunk and when I tried to lead him home he knocked me down. Nennis ran the saloon at that time. Heburn and I lived together here in Sandwich in my home about two years, and he got to drinking so and abused me so much that I couldn't stand it and I went to live with my Aunt, Olive Hodgden at Big Rock. She is now dead. I was at Big Rock a couple of months or so and Heburn found where I was, came there, and said he wanted to go to Wisconsin, and if I would go with him he would quit drinking and treat me better, so I went with him. I sold the house and lot I had here and took the money and bought 40 acres of land in Wis. We went from here to Fairfield Wis., out P.O. being then Portage, about 8 miles from Fairfield. I bought the 40 acres of Samuel Turner who lived in Fairfield, but the land was a Kilburn City, in June Co. Our neighbors at Fairfield were Elisha Plummer, Samuel Turner, Wm. Slack, Jos. Burton, and Levina Myers. I believe she married Lish Plummer afterward. I can't think of any others. We worked a Mr. Jackman's farm one year, but he and his wife had trouble and he left. We also worked to Jo Burton's farm one year. That was when we lived in Fairfield. We were there two years, and then moved into a house just across the road from the 40 acres I bought. Our trading place was Kilbourne City. A man named Griffin owned the house in which we lived. He is undoubtedly dead as he was old then. We lived in Griffins house about one year and then went into Frank Newton's house, which was also near the 40 acres. I can't remember the names of any others who lived there. We lived in Newtons house 5 or 6 months.

While we lived in that neighborhood Heburn was cutting wood off the 40 acres and we were also getting logs out to build a house. Heburn behaved all right and didn't drink any while we were at Fairfield, but as soon as we went to living near the 40 acres he began to drink hard, and abused me by striking me, and once pulled my dress nearly off because I scolded him for staying away from home a week and not bringing anything to eat.

Not long before I left him he got his bounty money, and staid away all week. He went to Kilburn City to get it, and when he got home he was dead drunk and didn't have a dollar left. We had trouble them and I got Mr. Newton to take me to Kilburn City.

I told him I was going to Portage, and he supposed that was where I was going and had my trunk checked there: but i had it rechecked to Chicago and come back here. After I left Heburn I earned


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