Wildermuth family members including Louisa Wildermuth, David Wildermuth, Anna Newkirk Wikdermuth, Dryden Henderson Carpenter, Halsey Champlain Carpenter, and Sara Anne Van Atter. Also Civil War casualties John and William Wildermuth.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Pruett Family - Charles H. Pruett - page 1 - Leonard Pruett Marriage
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 8
Grand Army of the Republic.
Meets Second and Fourth Saturday Com'dr.
Evenings of each month W.A. Whitcomb Adjt.
Sandwich, Ill, Jan 20th 18902
Col. Somerville. Supt. "Soldier Home"
Dear Sir and Commrade.
George F Leonard died at the Home Jan 13th 1902. his remains were brought her and laid [to rest].by the Old Soldiers. his Son has requested that I [write] to you. to have his papers and effects sent to him here. He had a watch which is at some Jewelrs Quincy to be repaired. his son was to have sent the necessary to pay for it. but his father died before sending [?] of the amount necessary. There fore I ask you to send [?] to Bernard Leonard. Sandwich Ills. by Adams Ex. if you can [?] of the Jewellers at which the Watch. and the necessary amount required to pay for it. and sent to [?]I will see that the money necessary for the [?] to get it. hoping that will comply with [?] request. I remain
Yours in F.C.L.
Chas H. F. Frost.
Quincy, Ill Januy 13 1902
To the Adjutant
George F. Leonard L Co. 30 U S Vols Regt.
Died in Hospital at 230AM., aged 51 years.
Names and address of Relatives or Friends Mrs Gertrude Webber
Hinckley Ills
Reg. No. 5732 Hospital Steward.
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 7
Quincy, Ill. 1901
To the Adjutant:This is to certify that George. F. Leonard. Reg. No. late of L Co. 30 Reg. U.S. Vol Vol., died in Hospital [?]
Cause of death Entero Colitis
C.E. Ehle, Asst Surgeon.
INVENTORY of the Effects of George F. Leonard No. 573:Lat L Co. 30 Reg't U.S. Vols Infy, Vols., who died on the 13 day of January 1902 at Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home.
Valise (25) Coat (1.00) Trousers (50) Vest (25) 2.00
3 Shirts (30) U Shirts 94.00) 3 Pr Drawers (36) 1.00
3 Pr Overalls 950). 5 Kershfs (5). Hat .15 .75
Pr Shoes (50) Belt 925). 3 med [?] (10) .85
Mirrer (5) Knife (10) 2 {R] (10) Comb (5) .30
Pr Eye Glasses (10). Pipe (5). Fountain Pen (15) .30
Watch & Chain 91.50)/ Bundle papers etc 1.50
WE certify that the above Inventory is correct, and that we have, this 16 day Jan 1902, carefully examined each of the articles therein named, and have written [posite] such our estimate of its value, and what disposition should, in our opinion, be made of it.
[A]PPROVED: S. P. Mooney} Board of
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 6
In the matter of the relationship of George F Leonard, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he formerly resided at Plano Ills, that he is Not married, that his wife, is deceased resides at, and that the names relationship and residences of all, and the relations only, of affiant who would be his heirs in the event of his death, at this time, are as follow, to-wit:
Gertrude Webber Daughter Hinckley Ills
Bernard Leonard Son Aurora Ills
Frederick Leonard Son Aurora Ills
Ethan A. Leonard Son U. S. Army
Henry Leonard Son U. S. Army
Jennie Leonard Daughter Aurora Ills
Blanche Leonard Daughter Aurora Ills
And further affiant saith not. George F. Leonard
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18 day of October A. D. 1901
George F. Leonard
{Plano Ill} Dr Sir Your Application is received Subject to Examination by a Home Surgeon. Transportation from Plano to Quincy is enclosed.
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Gertrude Webber Daughter Hinckley Ills
Bernard Leonard Son Aurora Ills
Frederick Leonard Son Aurora Ills
Ethan A. Leonard Son U. S. Army
Henry Leonard Son U. S. Army
Jennie Leonard Daughter Aurora Ills
Blanche Leonard Daughter Aurora Ills
And further affiant saith not. George F. Leonard
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18 day of October A. D. 1901
WM. SOMERVILLE,Superintendent.
S. P. MOONEY, Adjutant.
DR. D. M. LANDON, Surgeon
DR. C. E. EHLR, Ass't Surgeon.
DR. C. A. WELLS, Ass't Surgeon.
GEN. JOHN C. BLACK, Chicago.
COL. C. V. CHANDLER, Macomb.
MAJ. C. W. HAWES, Rock Island.
GEN. JOHN C. BLACK, President.
E. H. OSBURN.Treasurer.
ILLINOIS Soldiers and Sailors home.
QUINCY, ILL, October 15 1901
George F. Leonard
{Plano Ill} Dr Sir Your Application is received Subject to Examination by a Home Surgeon. Transportation from Plano to Quincy is enclosed.
Come early if Possible.
Yours Truly
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 5
Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home, Quincy, Ill.
I, George F. Leonard of Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home, in the County of Adams and State of Illinois, being of sound mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life, do, therefor, make, ordain, publish and declare, this to be my last WILL and TESTAMENT.First. I order and direct that my Executor herein afternamed, pay all my just debts and funeral expences as soon after my decease as conveniently may be.
Second. After the payment of such funeral expenses and debts, I give, devise and bequeath all wordly goods of which I may die possessed,
to my children as follows: To my daughter Gertrude Webber, Hinkley Ill., my sons Bernard Leonard and Frederick Leonard and my daughters Jennie Leonard and Blanche Leonard residing at Aurora Ill. and my sons Ethan A. Leonard and Henry Leonard are in U.S. Army to be divided equally between their share and share alike.
Lastly, I make, constitute and appoint Wm Sommerville Sups or his successor in office to be Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the 18 day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred & one.
(Signed) George F Leonard [seal]
This instrument was, on the day of the date thereof, signed, published and declared by the said testator George F Leonard to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request have subscribed our names hereto as witnesses in his presence, and in the presence of each other.
(Signed) Edward Hood
(Signed) Susie E. Hostrick
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 4
Below is a copy of George Franklin Leonard's Death Certificate. I received this packet of papers possibly in August 23, 1984.
Brian and I went to Quincy Illinois where the record office is located for the Adams county. This record states:
County of Adams}
1. Name George F. Leonard Sex Male Color White
2. Age 52 years - months - days. Occupation Wood Turner
3. Date of Death January 3 1902 hour 2:30 AMSingle, Married, Wid [widowed?]
4. Nationality and Place where Born N.Y.
5. How long Resident in this State ---------------
6. Place of Death[] Hospital, Ill. S - S. Home
7. Cause of Death [+] Entero Colitis Complication Appendadicitis [Appendicitis]
8. Duration Disease Illinois
9. Place and Date of Burial STATE BOARD OF HEALTH
10. Name and Place of Undertaker -RECORDED.-
Dated at Ill. S - S Home Jan 3 1902 D.W. Landon M.
Residence Quincy. Ill.
* erase such of these as are not required.
[]City,No.., Street and Ward; same in Towns that have them; Township of Precinct.
[+] State primary and immediate cause of death, and examine the list of disease printed
on cover of this book, and laws pertaining to Coroner[s Inquests.
What is interesting about this record, a number of years before I received this document I was talking with my Aunt "Fred". (That is Winnifred Olive Leonard. She was George Franklin Leonard's grand daughter through Frederick George Leonard.) She had told me that her grandfather had died from peritonitis after he had appendicitis. She might have heard about the entire incident or maybe had seen the document below.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the death record for the decedent named at item 1 and that this record was established and filed in my office in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Vital Records Act.
DATE July 23, 1984 SIGNED George E. Schrager III
AT Quincy, Illinois OFFICIAL TITLE County Clerk. Adams County
by Ruth M. Caldiall CP Deput[y]
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Brian and I went to Quincy Illinois where the record office is located for the Adams county. This record states:
County of Adams}
1. Name George F. Leonard Sex Male Color White
2. Age 52 years - months - days. Occupation Wood Turner
3. Date of Death January 3 1902 hour 2:30 AM
4. Nationality and Place where Born N.Y.
5. How long Resident in this State ---------------
6. Place of Death[] Hospital, Ill. S - S. Home
7. Cause of Death [+] Entero Colitis Complication Appendadicitis [Appendicitis]
8. Duration Disease Illinois
9. Place and Date of Burial STATE BOARD OF HEALTH
10. Name and Place of Undertaker -RECORDED.-
Dated at Ill. S - S Home Jan 3 1902 D.W. Landon M.
Residence Quincy. Ill.
* erase such of these as are not required.
[]City,No.., Street and Ward; same in Towns that have them; Township of Precinct.
[+] State primary and immediate cause of death, and examine the list of disease printed
on cover of this book, and laws pertaining to Coroner[s Inquests.
What is interesting about this record, a number of years before I received this document I was talking with my Aunt "Fred". (That is Winnifred Olive Leonard. She was George Franklin Leonard's grand daughter through Frederick George Leonard.) She had told me that her grandfather had died from peritonitis after he had appendicitis. She might have heard about the entire incident or maybe had seen the document below.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the death record for the decedent named at item 1 and that this record was established and filed in my office in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Vital Records Act.
DATE July 23, 1984 SIGNED George E. Schrager III
AT Quincy, Illinois OFFICIAL TITLE County Clerk. Adams County
by Ruth M. Caldiall CP Deput[y]
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 3
Illinois Soldiers and Sailors' Home
George F. Leonard,
Plano Kendall Co.
I 19 Reg't US Inf
C Co. 2 Reg't Ark Inv
L Co. 30 Reg't US Vols
Admission Paper 1
Army Discharge
Certificate of Service 1
Pension Certificate None Will
Admitted October 17th 1901
Jan 13' 1902 Died in Hospt
Shipped to Sandwich
[unknown entry]
Bernie Leonard Sandwich
[unknown entry]
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 2
COUNTY of Kendall} --CA Darnell, a (10) Notary Public of the town of Little Rock, in and for said County, do hereby certify that the above named [?] ally and well known to be the identical person he represents himself to be, this day personally appeared be[fore] and there, at his request, plainly read to him his application, aforesaid, which he then and there fully was, by me, thereupon duly sworn, and then and there deposed and said that he was the applicant above fully acquainted with matters and things stated and set forth in his said application, and that the same and in substance and in fact as he had therein stated.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Oct, A.D. 1901. Witness my hand and official seal. L.S. CA Darnell (12) Notary Public
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COUNTY of Kendall} --CA Darnell, a (10) Notary Public of the town of Little Rock, in and for said County, do hereby certify that the above named [?] ally and well known to be the identical person he represents himself to be, this day personally appeared be[fore] and there, at his request, plainly read to him his application, aforesaid, which he then and there fully was, by me, thereupon duly sworn, and then and there deposed and said that he was the applicant above fully acquainted with matters and things stated and set forth in his said application, and that the same and in substance and in fact as he had therein stated.
(11) George F. Leonard
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Oct, A.D. 1901. Witness my hand and official seal. L.S. CA Darnell (12) Notary Public
I do hereby certify upon honor, that I have personally known George F Leonard the above Applicant, for, at least, two years last passed; and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements contained in his foregoing application are entirely true, and especially that as to the time of his residence in Illinois, or service in an Illinois organization. And I further state that he has no known mental disorder; and that he requires no special attendant; and that he can properly be allowed to go at large; and that he can safely be quartered with feeble and helpless men.
Witness my hand (13) E.L. Hardin
(14) Justice of the Peace
I hereby depose and state that I have carefully examined the above named Applicant, George F.Leonard, as to his disability, and I now find that he has (15) an unhealed wound resulting from an operation to remove appendix to such an extent as to prevent his from earning his own living. And I hereby certify that he has no known, manifest, or discoverable, mental disorder; that he has no need of an attendant; that he may be properly allowed to go at large; and that he can safely be quartered with men who are old and feeble.
Frank H. Lord, M. D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Oct 1190. And I certify that I am personally acquainted with said affiant Dr. Frank H Lord, and that I know him to be a physician in active practice, and in good repute, as an honest man and a capable physician, in the community and among his fellow physicians where he lives.
CA Darnell Notary Public
I hereby certify upon honor that I carefully and critically examined George F. Leonard the above named Applicant, as to his mental and physical condition, at the Hospital of this Institution, on Thursday the 17th day of October, 1901; and that I then found him to be of sound mind, and to be incapable of earning his living by reason of his physical disability arising from (17) Sequelae of operation for appendicitis
Witness my hand D. M. Landon
Home Hospital Surgeon.
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 1
This is the first page of the paperwork that was filled out for George Frederick Leonard's admission in 1901. I have transcribed the document as follows:
George F. Leonard, (*) of the Town of Little Rock, in that County of Kendall and State of Illinois, formerly a Soldier of the United States of America, in the wars against (1) Spain and Philipene insurrection respectfully asks that he be admitted as a member of said Home.
To enable the authorities to determine whether or not he is legally entitled to become a member of said Home, he declares and state the facts to be that he is no 51 years old; that he is 5 feet and 10 1/4 inches high; that he is of ruddy complexion, hazel eyes, and brown hair; that he was born in the town of Oswego in the State of NewYork, on the 23 day of May, 1849: that he has been (2) Twice since enrolled in the U.S.A. service; ........ in the war against Spain Philipenes, and .....in the war of the late Rebellion; and that he has been (3)3 times honorably discharged from the service of the United States. That the following is a true statement of the times and places of his enrollment.... and discharge....from said service, and of the cause of his discharge..., and of his rank at the respective date...thereof namely:
No. When and where Enrolled When and where Discharged. Rank Company and Regiment. Cause of Discharge.
1st Chicago, Dec, e. 1867 Neworleans, Dec 2, 1879 Corporal Co. I Regt. 19USI. Ex of term of Service
2d. Walnut Ridge, Ark Apr,28, 1896. Anniston Ala Feb.25,1899 Corporal Co.C Regt. 2d Ark,U.S. Musters out of rigt
3d. Ft Sherridan CHicago 22nd of July 1899. Presidio of Cal. Cal Apr 3, 1901 1st Sargt. Co. L Regt. So. US Vol. Inft. {muster out of regt
That he now receives, on pension certificate number, a pension of .....dollars a month, no pension{payable the....day of next....at the....Pension Office....
That he owns property, real and personal, of the value of none...dollar, and no more; that he has no means of self-support other than the above named; that his trade of occupation is that of a laborer.
That he has (4) no wife; that he has 7 children now living; ages, respectively, (5) 28,26,24,22,20,18,16, years. That his post office address is Plano, State of Illinois, that his nearest railway station is Plano, on the C,B, and Q, Railway, in Kendall County in said State; that the name and address of the person, to whom he desires notice of his illness or death, shall be given, is Mrs. Robert Weber, of Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Illinois; that, in case of his death, he desires all his person effects to be sent to Mrs. Robert Weber, at Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Ill.
That he has no heretofore been a member of any Soldiers', Sailors', or other Charitable Home or Institution, exception the (6)....
That he is now a bona fide resident of the State of Illinois, and has continuously lived and resided in said State for the last two years, or has served in an Illinois organization.....
That he is so far disabled by (7) Suffering from the effects of an opperation for apendicitus, an week, I cannot do any work at all, and very bad, as to now be incapable of earning his own living.
That he has at all times; heretofore, supported and adhered to the government of the United States of America, and that he has not at any time been engaged in, or countenanced, or aided, or abetted, the cause of the late Rebellion.
That if he shall be admitted to be a member of the said Home, he will, in all things and in every respect, comply with and conform to the rules and regulations made, or that all things that shall be required of him by those there in authority over him; and that he will promptly, and willingly, obey all lawful orders that he shall receive from any officer of the Home, so long as he shall remain a member thereof.
In testimony whereof, he has set his hand the 14 day of Oct 1901.
(9) L. B. Erwin (8) George F. Leonard
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Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home,
Plano Ill. Oct. 14, 1901George F. Leonard, (*) of the Town of Little Rock, in that County of Kendall and State of Illinois, formerly a Soldier of the United States of America, in the wars against (1) Spain and Philipene insurrection respectfully asks that he be admitted as a member of said Home.
To enable the authorities to determine whether or not he is legally entitled to become a member of said Home, he declares and state the facts to be that he is no 51 years old; that he is 5 feet and 10 1/4 inches high; that he is of ruddy complexion, hazel eyes, and brown hair; that he was born in the town of Oswego in the State of NewYork, on the 23 day of May, 1849: that he has been (2) Twice since enrolled in the U.S.A. service; ........ in the war against Spain Philipenes, and .....
No. When and where Enrolled When and where Discharged. Rank Company and Regiment. Cause of Discharge.
1st Chicago, Dec, e. 1867 Neworleans, Dec 2, 1879 Corporal Co. I Regt. 19USI. Ex of term of Service
2d. Walnut Ridge, Ark Apr,28, 1896. Anniston Ala Feb.25,1899 Corporal Co.C Regt. 2d Ark,U.S. Musters out of rigt
3d. Ft Sherridan CHicago 22nd of July 1899. Presidio of Cal. Cal Apr 3, 1901 1st Sargt. Co. L Regt. So. US Vol. Inft. {muster out of regt
That he now receives, on pension certificate number, a pension of .....dollars a month, no pension{payable the....day of next....at the....Pension Office....
That he owns property, real and personal, of the value of none...dollar, and no more; that he has no means of self-support other than the above named; that his trade of occupation is that of a laborer.
That he has (4) no wife; that he has 7 children now living; ages, respectively, (5) 28,26,24,22,20,18,16, years. That his post office address is Plano, State of Illinois, that his nearest railway station is Plano, on the C,B, and Q, Railway, in Kendall County in said State; that the name and address of the person, to whom he desires notice of his illness or death, shall be given, is Mrs. Robert Weber, of Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Illinois; that, in case of his death, he desires all his person effects to be sent to Mrs. Robert Weber, at Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Ill.
That he has no heretofore been a member of any Soldiers', Sailors', or other Charitable Home or Institution, exception the (6)....
That he is now a bona fide resident of the State of Illinois, and has continuously lived and resided in said State for the last two years, or has served in an Illinois organization.....
That he is so far disabled by (7) Suffering from the effects of an opperation for apendicitus, an week, I cannot do any work at all, and very bad, as to now be incapable of earning his own living.
That he has at all times; heretofore, supported and adhered to the government of the United States of America, and that he has not at any time been engaged in, or countenanced, or aided, or abetted, the cause of the late Rebellion.
That if he shall be admitted to be a member of the said Home, he will, in all things and in every respect, comply with and conform to the rules and regulations made, or that all things that shall be required of him by those there in authority over him; and that he will promptly, and willingly, obey all lawful orders that he shall receive from any officer of the Home, so long as he shall remain a member thereof.
In testimony whereof, he has set his hand the 14 day of Oct 1901.
(9) L. B. Erwin (8) George F. Leonard
Witness Applicant
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Saturday, May 30, 2020
Fisher Family - Olive Uretta Fisher - page 13
This is the newspaper obituary for my 2nd great grand mother Olive Uretta Fisher Leonard Pruitt. I do not remember where I found it nor when I found it. It reads as follows:
Mrs. Olive U. Pruett, 90 year old resident of Aurora died yesterday at her home at 809 West Lake street. She was born April 1, 1853, in Williston Village, Vt., and was a member of the Ladies Auxillary of the Spanish American War veterans here.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Fisher of Aurora, three sons, Bernard and Ethan A. Leonard of Aurora and Fred J. Leonard of Salinas, Calif., and several grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Monday at 3:30 p. m. from the Healy chapel with the Rev. Harris H. Mitchell officiating. Internment will be in Riverside cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel.
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Mrs. Olive U. Pruett, 90 year old resident of Aurora died yesterday at her home at 809 West Lake street. She was born April 1, 1853, in Williston Village, Vt., and was a member of the Ladies Auxillary of the Spanish American War veterans here.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Blanche Fisher of Aurora, three sons, Bernard and Ethan A. Leonard of Aurora and Fred J. Leonard of Salinas, Calif., and several grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Monday at 3:30 p. m. from the Healy chapel with the Rev. Harris H. Mitchell officiating. Internment will be in Riverside cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel.
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Fisher Family - Olive Uretta Fisher - page 12
There is an inscription on this picture that says this is the "Pruett home, W. Lake Street, Aurora Illinois." I believe that is Olive holding her hat in her left hand. I do not recognize the woman on her right.
This is a picture of Olive Uretta Fisher Leonard Pruett and "Grandpa" Charlie Pruett at the Lake Street house, some time prior to 1941. That was the year that Grandpa Charlie passed.
These pictures are in my private collection.
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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 4
Soldiers Home
Quincy Ill
Dec. 30 - 01
New Year and may it be a very bright, successful one for you - "Only strike out for yourself" so if you make any thing it will be yours ask? No not on your life they will bleed you there find some good man, and work for him. be patient do work well and your reward will come. god bless you my boy of all.
George F. Leonard
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Fisher Family - Olive Uretta Fisher - page 2
I am not sure when I obtained this documentation of Geo[rge] [Franklin] Leonard and Miss Olive Holtstandler's marriage. I had at one time found a marriage of a Holtstandler to Olive Uretta Fisher but cannot find it at the moment. I believe it was in Ancestry.com.
It states:
No. 20
Geo Lenard
Miss Olive Holtstander
Issued, Nov 1 1872Married, Nov 3 1872
Registered, Nov 9 1872
On Page 111 of Marriage Register.
Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Stationers, Chicago
The State of Illinois,}SS. No.20
The People of the State of Illinois:
To all who shall see these Presents, GREETING:
KNOW YE, That License and Permission has been granted to any Minister of the Gospel, Authorized to marry by the Church or Society to which he belongs; any Justice of the Supreme Count; Justice of any Inferior Court, or any Justice of the Peace, to Celebrate and Ratify the Marriage of Mr. George F. Leonard and Miss Olive Holtslander, now both of this County, according to the usual custom and laws of the State of Illinois.
WITNESS, C. M. Conrad - Clerk of the
County Court, in and for the County of De Kalb, and the Seal
of said Court hereunto affixed, at Sycamore, this First
day of November A.D. 1872.
Cassius M. Conrad Clerk.
I hereby certify that on the Third day of Nov
A.D. 1872, I joined in the Holy State of Matrimony, Mr. George F. Leonard
and Miss Olive Holtstander according to the custom and laws of Illinois.
Given under my hand and seal, this fourth day of November A.D.1872
MBCurd [L.S.]
Minister of the gospel
Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Stationers, Chicago.
The person who performs the Ceremony by virtue hereof, is required to return the above License to the County Clerk within thirty days thereafter.
The accompanying Certificate is to be given to the parties married.
[vertical and horizontal]
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 3
Soldiers Home.
Quincy Ills.
Dec 21 - 01.
My dear Sons and daughters.after long waiting I hasten to answer your last letter and to assure you I am slowly but surely gaining health and Strength and by the grace of god. I will soon be out and around. but by spells I get tired and nervous, then I am downhearted and I feel as though, I could not live but a short time. I had an accident a few days ago. I looked at my watch, and it had Stopped and the main spring [????] to fix. if so I guess She will have to Stay Stopped oh, yes. Mrs J. Jefferson, the J. is for Jennie that is the address. why dont Bernie or the girls drop me a line? if they don't I will try never to bother or see them again on this earth. I am not always going to be penniless
I got some papers and a letter from Gertie before Thanksgiving. the letter was a great treat to me. and such letters yours and her's are the only relief I get to break the great big goo of lonliness [???] they dispatch the blues, as the sun dispels the fog. I am not strong enough to write more. so will close. my god keep all you children in his special care, is my prayer for you.
Ever yours, Paternally
Geo.F. Leonard
Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 1
Soldiers Home.
Quincy Ill.
Dec 17 1901
My dear children Bernie, Fred, Blanche, and Jennie. I wish you each one a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and many of them in the future. Your big letter came all right and I appreciated it very much to day is the first day I have put on my pants coat and vest. Since I came here, altho, I, am very weak I have lots of trouble with my Stomach. its weak and the Drs. say after the wound is healed up, the trouble in Stomach will come all right. Maybe so. you were real kind about fixing watch. I am going to Send it to the Jeweller to day, for I am lost without it. Maybe my Pension will be along, soon if so well and good, I can pay you back. I got a letter and papers from Gertie. but no word of Ollie, or Hank, do you hear from them? I saw a notice in a Kendall Co Paper, about A.J. Wilsey. I am getting tired and I must write Gertie this is the first day in about ten since I.have been able to write so good bless you children always is the prayer of Your Father
George F. Leonard
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard letters - page 2
Soldiers Home
Quincey Ill
Dec 17 -01
My dear children Bernie, Fred,
Blanche, and, Jennie. I wish you each one a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and many of them, in the future. your big letter came all right and I appreciated it very much. to day is the first day I have put on my pants coat and vest, since I came here, altho, I am very weak I have lots of trouble with my Stomach its weak and the Drs. say after the wound is healed up. the trouble in stomach will come all right. Maybe so, you were real kind about fixing watch. I am going to send it to the Jeweller to day, for I am
lost without it. maybe my Pension will be along, soon if so well and good. I can pay you back, I got a letter and papers from Gertie, but no word of Allie, or Hank, do you hear from them? I saw a notice in a Kendall Co Paper, about A J Wilsey. I am getting tired and I must write Gertie this is the first day in about ten since I have been able to write So god bless you children always s the prayer of your Father
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Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 1
Soldiers Home
Quincy Ill.
nov. 14 - 1901
Fred G. Leonard. Aurora, Ill.
My dear loyal Son: I am little late in my answer to your letter. I think I am better So does the nurse and Doctor. oh! but I am terrible weak, so don't expect a long letter this time your stamps came in good time as I am penniless and will be so till I get my Pensions. Governor yates was here yesterday and Shook hands with all of us in Hospital. got my cane this .a.m. and a box from Gertie. I. hope you keep well also all of you dear children. I have been so near death. it seems as though you are dearer than ever to me. Fred, I, am getting tired and nervous. So will close by asking god to bless you all.
George F. Leonard.
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Sunday, May 17, 2020
Tunnicliff Family - Abigal Tunnicliff - page 3
Abigal Tunnicliff Leonard died and was buried in Pine Mound Cemetery, Sandwich, DeKalb Co., Illinois.
This page reads:
Feb. 20th 1874,
Service by Rev Jos Smith
of Latterday Saints
Sandwich DeKalb Co Illinois
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Tunnicliff Family - Abigal Tunnicliff - page 2
This is the only mention I have found of the marriage of Abigal Tunnicliff's marriage to John Leonard 1848. There is no mention of the day or month, or even where they were married.
The record reads "Abigal Tunnicliffe married to John Leonard 1848."
©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2022. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.
The record reads "Abigal Tunnicliffe married to John Leonard 1848."
©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2022. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.
Leonard Tunnicliff Family Bible - Abigail - page 13
This is the only proof I have of Abigail Tunnicliff Leonard's date of birth.
This text reads: ABIGAL Born December 3rd 1822 Tunicliff in Ogdensburgh York State.
I believe I have found transcribed records under "Mr Nash" possibly from Ancestry. I have to look.
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This text reads: ABIGAL Born December 3rd 1822 Tunicliff in Ogdensburgh York State.
I believe I have found transcribed records under "Mr Nash" possibly from Ancestry. I have to look.
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