Friday, May 1, 2020

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Revolutionary War Pension Record - page 5

Revolutionary Claims.

       Chittenden County, SS.

   On this seventeenth day of Augst A.D. 1832, personally appeared in open Court, before the Honorable County Court for the County of Chittenden, now sitting Jeremiah Fisher as resident of Colchester in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, aged fifty seven years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832, That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated.
          In the year 1780 (No date not remembered) my Father was drafted to serve in Captain Coughes of Continental Troops, the name of the Col of [No] Regiment I do not recollect - my Father being unable to do dut. I took his place and served Two months, while in this service we were stationed at Stamford, one on Norris[?].
             In 1782 (the presise date not [?] I engaged as a waggoner under one Skidmoroe Waggon Master General for one year, and served out my full year, I was discharged from this place between FishKill & Pulaskill, - we assisted at Morristown NJersey.
            In 1781 I enlisted into Captain Nills Regt of Connecticut troops for nine months and served out the whole period of my enlistment, I was discharged at Morristown New Jersey. - I do not recolect the Captains name under who I enlisted
            In the latter part of 1782 or begining of 1783 (the day and month not recollected) I enlisted for nine months with Captain Blacelys Company of Vermont Troops -  Major [Ropa] Enos [Cirmended] - I was discharged at Carltenden after having served out my time
            My first services when I took the place of my Father was at Stamford and Horseineck --- my  [?] service or a nine months  [?] awas as follows, I joined the army at Fishrill and was there when the Fort was building - from there we marched to the Jerseys and wintered at Morristown, at which place I was discharged.
            In my year service as a waggoner I was employed in carrying baggage and provissions from one place to another during the year and was discharged as soon as we got into winters quarters between the Fishkills & Pulaskill

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