Sunday, May 31, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 4

Below is a copy of George Franklin Leonard's Death Certificate. I received this packet of papers possibly in August 23, 1984.

Brian and I went to Quincy Illinois where the record office is located for the Adams county. This record states:

County of Adams}
1.  Name George F. Leonard   Sex Male  Color White
2.  Age 52 years   - months  - days. Occupation  Wood Turner
3.  Date of Death  January 3 1902 hour 2:30 AM Single, Married, Wid [widowed?]
4.  Nationality and Place where Born N.Y.
5.  How long Resident in this State ---------------
6.  Place of Death[] Hospital, Ill. S - S. Home
7.  Cause of Death [+] Entero Colitis     Complication Appendadicitis [Appendicitis]
8.  Duration Disease                                     Illinois
9.  Place and Date of Burial       STATE BOARD OF HEALTH
10. Name and Place of Undertaker          -RECORDED.-
Dated at Ill. S - S Home Jan 3 1902  D.W. Landon M.
                                               Residence  Quincy. Ill.
* erase such of these as are not required.
[]City,No.., Street and Ward; same in Towns that have them; Township  of Precinct.
[+] State primary and immediate cause of death, and examine the list of disease printed
     on cover of this book, and laws pertaining to Coroner[s Inquests.
     What is interesting about this record, a number of years before I received this document I was talking with my Aunt "Fred". (That is Winnifred Olive Leonard. She was George Franklin Leonard's grand daughter through Frederick George Leonard.) She had told me that her grandfather had died from peritonitis after he had appendicitis. She might have heard about the entire incident or maybe had seen the document below.

I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the death record for the decedent named at  item 1 and that this record was established and filed in my office in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Vital Records Act.

DATE  July 23, 1984       SIGNED  George E. Schrager III

AT Quincy, Illinois         OFFICIAL TITLE County Clerk. Adams County

                                        by Ruth M. Caldiall CP Deput[y]             

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