Sunday, May 31, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 1

This is the first page of the paperwork that was filled out for George Frederick Leonard's admission in 1901. I have transcribed the document as follows:

Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home,
Plano Ill. Oct. 14, 1901
   George F. Leonard, (*) of the Town of Little Rock, in that County of Kendall and State of Illinois, formerly a Soldier of the United States of America, in the wars against (1) Spain and Philipene insurrection respectfully asks that he be admitted as a member of said Home.
   To enable the authorities to determine whether or not he is legally entitled to become a member of said Home, he declares and state the facts to be that he is no 51 years old; that he is 5 feet and 10 1/4 inches high; that he is of ruddy complexion, hazel eyes, and brown hair; that he was born in the town of Oswego in the State of NewYork, on the 23 day of May, 1849: that he has been (2) Twice since enrolled in the U.S.A. service; ........ in the war against Spain Philipenes, and ..... in the war of the late Rebellion; and that he has been (3)3 times honorably discharged from the service of the United States. That the following is a true statement of the times and places of his enrollment.... and discharge....from said service, and of the cause of his discharge..., and of his rank at the respective date...thereof namely:
No.   When and where Enrolled   When and where Discharged.   Rank   Company and Regiment.   Cause of Discharge.

1st Chicago, Dec, e. 1867   Neworleans, Dec 2, 1879  Corporal   Co. I Regt. 19USI. Ex of term of Service

2d. Walnut Ridge, Ark Apr,28, 1896.  Anniston Ala Feb.25,1899 Corporal  Co.C Regt. 2d Ark,U.S. Musters out of rigt

3d. Ft Sherridan CHicago 22nd of July 1899.  Presidio of Cal. Cal Apr 3, 1901 1st Sargt. Co. L Regt. So. US Vol. Inft. {muster out of regt
   That he now receives, on pension certificate number, a pension of .....dollars a month, no pension{payable of the....Pension Office....
   That he owns property, real and personal, of the value of none...dollar, and no more; that he has no means of self-support other than the above named; that his trade of occupation is that of a laborer.
   That he has (4) no wife; that he has 7 children now living; ages, respectively, (5) 28,26,24,22,20,18,16, years. That his post office address is Plano, State of Illinois, that his nearest railway station is Plano, on the C,B, and Q, Railway, in Kendall County in said State; that the name and address of the person, to whom he desires notice of his illness or death, shall be given, is Mrs. Robert Weber, of Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Illinois; that, in case of his death, he desires all his person effects to be sent to Mrs. Robert Weber, at Hinckley, County of DeKalb, State of Ill.
   That he has no heretofore been a member of any Soldiers', Sailors', or other Charitable Home or Institution, exception the (6)....
   That he is now a bona fide resident of the State of Illinois, and has continuously lived and resided in said State for the last two years, or has served in an Illinois organization.....
   That he is so far disabled by (7) Suffering from the effects of an opperation for apendicitus,  an week, I cannot do any work at all, and very bad, as to now be incapable of earning his own living.
   That he has at all times; heretofore, supported and adhered to the government of the United States of America, and that he has not at any time been engaged in, or countenanced, or aided, or abetted, the cause of the late Rebellion.
   That if he shall be admitted to be a member of the said Home, he will, in all things and in every respect, comply with and conform to the rules and regulations made, or that all things that shall be required of him by those there in authority over him; and that he will promptly, and willingly, obey all lawful orders that he shall receive from any officer of the Home, so long as he shall remain a member thereof.
   In testimony whereof, he has set his hand the 14 day of Oct 1901.
(9) L. B. Erwin       (8) George F. Leonard
          Witness                                               Applicant

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