Friday, May 1, 2020

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Revoltuionary War Pension Record - page 3

   This is page 2 of Jeremiah Fisher's Revolutionary War Pension Record. 
   The first line on the upper left hand page I read 6197 Act Mar 3}
        [Aug] 18}                                                         
   The second section reads: Sabra Fisher widow
   Below that reads: Jeremiah Fisher
   Under his name something is crossed out.      

Next to that is the word "Priv." [Private]                             
The next line read Vt. State Troops
   I cannot read the next 2 lines under the word Vt. 
   To the right there is a squiggle line the Conn. [Connecticut]. I do not recognize what the next line reads.
   Below that is the words "Rev war" [Revolutionary war].
   Under that phrase is Rev pensioner.
Under Rev it reads Vt. [Vermont] Feb 53  - 508.           
I do not know what the 508 means.
I think the next line is [?] 16 Octc Dec 30/55.
I think the 1 word under the date is the clerk's signature and cannot read it.
I do not know what the letters in the left corner are.
Across the page is written "No. 11434 is Dec [deceased?] /55 [1855?]
I cannot read the script in the upper line on the right page.   

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