Friday, May 1, 2020

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Revolutionary War Pension Record - page 6

     My last nine months service was engagements in scouting parties quarding the Frontier
            I think I received a discharge when I was in Col Wiliams Regt., but [?] discharge was burnt in my Fathers [?] which was destroyed by fire - I do not  recollect whither I [?] discharge for my other services - I am now sixty seven years of age having been born May 23d 1765 - I have no record of my age - when I first entered the service I lived in Washington [?] [?] Revolutionary War I lived in  [?] Vt. Three years in Oxford N.H. about ten years in Charlestown N. H. eight years and since that time I have lived peacefully in Vermont, having lived in Burlington for the past ten years with the exception of the last six months, when I have [?] at Colchester - my whole services  is twenty two months 

   He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a Pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State.
Jeremiah + Fisher
   Sworn to and Subscribed}
the day and year aforesaid,}
with N. [Bruaswell?]

Nathan Bruaswell

   And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the Interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states,-And the Court further certify, that it appears to them, that
            William Seymour, Elisha Barstow Theodore Cott in and Joseiah Adems

Who have signed the annexed certificate and who are residents of the town of Burlington are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.

                                                                        El Brocklen}           Judges of Chittenden
                                                             John VanSuckland} County Board

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