Friday, May 1, 2020

Fisher Family - Jeremiah Fisher - Revolutionary War Pension Records - page 2

No 18386
Jeremiah Fisher
Chittinden Co. in the State of Vermont
was a [?]VWagoner in the company commanded
Captain Couch of the Regt. commanded
Col. Millir in the Conn Troops
for 2 years
[?] in the Roll of Vermont,
[?] the rate of 80 Dollars per annum,
{to commence] on the 4th day of March 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 19 day of Aug.
            1833 and sent to N. B.
                Naswell Burlington Vt.
A[?] on the 23 of March 1833          160.00
[?] all [?] ending 4 Sept 1833            40.00

                             {Revolutionary Claim,}
                                  {Ad. June 7, 1832}
Recorded by D. Brown                    Clerk,
Book E.    Vol. 3    Page 64

H H. Sylsenlar [?] 24/51
H [G?] 28 Apr 32

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