Sunday, May 31, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 7

Quincy, Ill.       1901
To the Adjutant:
   This is to certify that George. F. Leonard. Reg. No. late of L Co. 30 Reg. U.S. Vol Vol., died in Hospital  [?]
Cause of death   Entero Colitis

C.E. Ehle, Asst Surgeon.
INVENTORY of the Effects of George F. Leonard No. 573:
Lat L Co. 30 Reg't U.S. Vols Infy, Vols., who died on the 13 day of January 1902 at Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Home.

                                                   Dolls.  Ctts.  HOW DISPOSED OF
Valise (25) Coat (1.00) Trousers (50) Vest (25)     2.00
3 Shirts (30) U Shirts 94.00) 3 Pr Drawers (36) 1.00
3 Pr Overalls 950). 5 Kershfs (5).  Hat .15           .75
Pr Shoes (50) Belt 925). 3 med [?]  (10)              .85
Mirrer (5)  Knife (10) 2 {R] (10)  Comb (5)            .30
Pr Eye Glasses (10). Pipe (5). Fountain Pen (15)     .30
Watch & Chain 91.50)/ Bundle papers etc            1.50

WE certify that the above Inventory is correct, and that we have, this  16 day  Jan  1902, carefully examined each of the articles therein named, and have written [posite] such our estimate of its value, and what disposition should, in our opinion, be made of it.

[A]PPROVED:       S. P. Mooney}  Board of
Superintendent.                J. E. [?]}  Appraisers.          
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