Sunday, May 31, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 2

COUNTY of Kendall} --CA Darnell, a (10) Notary Public of the town of Little Rock, in and for said County, do hereby certify that the above named [?] ally and well known to be the identical person he represents himself to be, this day personally appeared be[fore] and there, at his request, plainly read to him his application, aforesaid, which he then and there fully was, by me, thereupon duly sworn, and then and there deposed and said that he was the applicant above fully acquainted with matters and things stated and set forth in his said application, and that the same and in substance and in fact as he had therein stated.
(11) George F. Leonard

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Oct, A.D. 1901. Witness my hand and official seal. L.S. CA Darnell (12) Notary Public
   I do hereby certify upon honor, that I have personally known George F Leonard the above Applicant, for, at least, two years last passed; and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements contained in his foregoing application are entirely true, and especially that as to the time of his residence in Illinois, or service in an Illinois organization. And I further state that he has no known mental disorder; and that he requires no special attendant; and that he can properly be allowed to go at large; and that he can safely be quartered with feeble and helpless men.
Witness my hand (13) E.L. Hardin
(14) Justice of the Peace

   I hereby depose and state that I have carefully examined the above named Applicant, George F.Leonard, as to his disability, and I now find that he has (15) an unhealed wound resulting from an operation to remove appendix to such an extent as to prevent his from earning his own living. And I hereby certify that he has no known, manifest, or discoverable, mental disorder; that he has no need of an attendant; that he may be properly allowed to go at large; and that he can safely be quartered with men who are old and feeble.
Frank H. Lord, M. D.
   Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Oct 1190. And I certify that I am personally acquainted with said affiant Dr. Frank H Lord, and that I know him to be a physician in active practice, and in good repute, as an honest man and a capable physician, in the community and among his fellow physicians where he lives.
CA Darnell Notary Public
   I hereby certify upon honor that I carefully and critically examined George F. Leonard the above named Applicant, as to his mental and physical condition, at the Hospital of this Institution, on Thursday the 17th day of October, 1901; and that I then found him to be of sound mind, and to be incapable of earning his living by reason of his physical disability arising from (17) Sequelae of operation for appendicitis
Witness my hand D. M. Landon
Home Hospital Surgeon.

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