Sunday, May 31, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard - Illinois Soldier's and Sailor's Home paperwork - page 8

Grand Army of the Republic.

Meets Second and Fourth Saturday                                                 Com'dr.
Evenings of each month                                              W.A. Whitcomb Adjt.
Sandwich, Ill, Jan 20th 18902
Col. Somerville. Supt. "Soldier Home"

Dear Sir and Commrade.
George F Leonard died at the Home Jan 13th 1902. his remains were brought her and laid [to rest].by the Old Soldiers. his Son has requested that I [write] to you. to have his papers and effects sent to him here. He had a watch which is at some Jewelrs Quincy to be repaired. his son was to have sent the necessary to pay for it. but his father died before sending  [?] of the amount necessary. There fore I ask you to send [?] to Bernard Leonard. Sandwich Ills. by Adams Ex. if you can [?] of the Jewellers at which the Watch. and the necessary amount required to pay for it. and sent to  [?]I will see that the money necessary for the  [?] to get it. hoping that will comply with [?] request.  I remain
Yours in F.C.L.
                                                                   Chas H. F. Frost.



Quincy, Ill Januy 13 1902

To the Adjutant

George F. Leonard L Co. 30 U S Vols Regt.

Died in Hospital at 230AM., aged 51 years.

Names and address of Relatives or Friends Mrs Gertrude Webber
Hinckley Ills

Reg. No. 5732                                                   Hospital Steward.

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