Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fisher Family - Olive Uretta Fisher - page 2

     I am not sure when I obtained this documentation of Geo[rge] [Franklin] Leonard and Miss Olive Holtstandler's marriage. I had at one time found a marriage of a Holtstandler to Olive Uretta Fisher but cannot find it at the moment. I believe it was in 
It states:
No. 20
Geo Lenard
Miss Olive Holtstander
Issued, Nov 1 1872

Married, Nov 3 1872

Registered, Nov 9 1872

On Page 111 of Marriage Register.

Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Stationers, Chicago

This is the Certificate that goes with the above document:

The State of Illinois,}SS.                                            No.20
The People of the State of Illinois:
To all who shall see these Presents, GREETING:
KNOW YE, That License and Permission has been granted to any Minister of the Gospel, Authorized to marry by the Church or Society to which he belongs; any Justice of the Supreme Count; Justice of any Inferior Court, or any Justice of the Peace, to Celebrate and Ratify the Marriage of Mr. George F. Leonard and Miss Olive Holtslander, now both of this County, according to the usual custom and laws of the State of Illinois.
WITNESS, C. M. Conrad - Clerk of the 
County Court, in and for the County of De Kalb, and the Seal
of said Court hereunto affixed, at Sycamore, this First
day of November A.D. 1872.

Cassius M. Conrad Clerk.
I hereby certify that on the Third day of Nov
A.D. 1872, I joined in the Holy State of Matrimony, Mr. George F. Leonard
and Miss Olive Holtstander according to the custom and laws of  Illinois.
Given under my hand and seal, this fourth day of November A.D.1872
MBCurd [L.S.]
Minister of the gospel
Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Stationers, Chicago.

The person who performs the Ceremony by virtue hereof, is required to return the above License to the County Clerk within thirty days thereafter.
The accompanying Certificate is to be given to the parties married.

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