Sunday, May 24, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 1

Soldiers Home.
Quincy Ill.
Dec 17 1901

My dear children Bernie, Fred, Blanche, and Jennie. I wish you each one a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and many of them in the future. Your big letter came all right and I appreciated it very much to day is the first day I have put on my pants coat and vest. Since I came here, altho, I, am very weak I have lots of trouble with my Stomach. its weak and the Drs. say after the wound is healed up, the trouble in Stomach will come all right. Maybe so. you were real kind about fixing watch. I am going to Send it to the Jeweller to day, for I am lost without it. Maybe my Pension will be along, soon if so well and good, I can pay you back. I got a letter and papers from Gertie. but no word of Ollie, or Hank, do you hear from them? I saw a notice in a Kendall Co Paper, about A.J. Wilsey. I am getting tired and I must write Gertie this is the first day in about ten since I.have been able to write so good bless you children always is the prayer of Your Father
         George F. Leonard

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