Sunday, May 24, 2020

Leonard Family - George Franklin Leonard Letters - page 1

Soldiers Home
Quincy Ill.
nov. 14 - 1901

Fred G. Leonard. Aurora, Ill.
 My dear loyal Son: I am little late in my answer to your letter. I think I am better So does the nurse and Doctor. oh! but I am terrible weak, so don't expect a long letter this time your stamps came in good time as I am penniless and will be so till I get my Pensions. Governor yates was here yesterday and Shook hands with all of us in Hospital. got my cane this .a.m. and a box from Gertie. I. hope you keep well also all of you dear children. I have been so near death. it seems as though you are dearer than ever to me. Fred, I, am getting tired and nervous. So will close by asking god to bless you all.
George F. Leonard.

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