Saturday, December 5, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - Before the trip

This is the cover for my grandmother Lenoir Inez Leonard Triplett's memories of the family moving from Sugar Grove Illinois to Madera California. It took 49 days because the family stopped to visit with family along the way

Of course journey has to start somewhere. This is my Grandmother Lenoir's father, Fred Leonard. The caption for this picture was Fred Leonard and the truck [they used to haul household items] at the Pruett's home, before leaving for California. I do not know if he bought it or had it before the move. I don't even know why they moved from Illinois to Oakland in the first place. But if they hadn't, myself, Andrew and
Robert would not be alive!

From left to right [I think] is: Billie [Lenoir's youngest sister Ione], Bobbie [my grandmother Lenoir], their mother Winnie Gladys Carpenter Leonard, Frederick George Leonard, and Winniefred [Aunt Fred]. Aunt Fred would, if I remember right, drove the car, and Grandpa Leonard would drive the truck. 

By the way- when you look at the nicknames of my grandmother and aunts - do you think my Great Grandfather wanted boys or what?

Aunt Fred would have been taller but she was hampered with severe scoliosis - curvature of the spine. My great grandparents though that they were being punished for something they had done in the past and that God blighted their oldest daughter with scoliosis. This condition is now treated with surgery starting when the child is young with Harrington rods. Scoliosis does not occur often in the population.

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