Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 1

 Forty-Nine Days

Left Maple Park, Sunday, June 4, 1922, at noon, after Clara and Paul left. Shorty came to Grandma's in the afternoon with the Overland and three girls and took them and Billie and got his cornet; later took the girls and car home and walked back for supper, at Aunt Blanches. The folks went to Kukuks'. We walked to Ellen's and got the car and went for a ride out Jericho Road. In at 10:12/

June 5: Walked to Aunt Gert's. "Umbrella Parade". Put up the swing in the P M in her front yard. Went to grave-yard and put flowers on John Ray's grave and found Ellen Long's grave. Harry took us back to the grave-yard before supper and down town after films after supper, and for a ride down the river. All night at Montgomery.

June 6: Uncle Bern and Dad came after us. Winnifred at Grandma's. Aunt Gert and Harry down for dinner at Grandma's. Pictures take. Billie, Olive, Mable and me to town after 3:30, walked both ways, stopped at Ellen's. Folks gone to Sandwich and Plano. Aunt Blanche, Billie and me went to show. Called Wilhelm and couldn't get him. Saw the "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" at the Fox.

June 7: Left Aurora for Madison after 7, Harry and Aunt Gert down. Grandpa Charlie put feather in car and gave us quarters and gum, and Dadcigaretts. Will Carpenter took pictures. Saw Jimmy Malone and Jack Treatwell. Sycamore at 10:13, left 10:50, ready for trip. Genoa, 11:24, yellow depot. Going north. Lunch, 2 miles northwest of Genoa. Came to corner-12 miles from Rockford, notknow which way to [continued page 4]
[Reading this I believe that Grandma is Grandpa Fred Leonard's mother, Olive Uretta Fisher Leonard Pruitt. Gertrude and Blanche was Grandpa Leonard's sisters. 

Uncle Bern was Grandpa Leonard's brother Bernard.

I didn't know Great Grandpa Fred Leonard smoked!

Grandpa Charlie was was Grandma Olive Uretta Pruitt's second husband.

I don't know who Clara, Paul, John Ray nor Ellen Long was.

I looked up on Wikipedia  the 1922 "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" at  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1921 film) - Wikipedia   Harry Myers [?] played the male lead of Martin Cavendish. 

There was another movie "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" produced in 1949 with Bing Crosby playing the lead role. I really didn't find it interesting at all.

I don't recognize any of the other names.]

Maple Park is/was just southwest of Chicago. The population in  2010 was 1310. I found it listed as "Village of Maple Park". It is located in DeKalb and Kane counties.

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