Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 15

Friday, July 7: left about 7:00. Fine luck until we got to [?] turned on old trail, bad roads, etc. Dad stuck by railroad track on hill, he ran out of gas. Billie had to help him up. In the forenoon, we stopped by the railroad track at Medicine Bow for dinner. Puncture at track at Fort Steele, where we got gas, had radius rod tightened and Dad's fan belt fixed. Made Rawlins rather late. Us four kids took a walk. Mother sick. Awful water (alkali). Saw eagle in A.M.

Saturday-July 8: Dad and Will went down town. Saw tall woman and man and fellows with tags and old man and boy walking. They all asked for a ride. Travelled over desert land--got sage-brush. Ate dinner in the wind and sand. Dad got gas. Saw the red desert where the sand was red. Stopped half way between Red Desert and the turn to Bitter Creek for about 3 hours, during a sand storm. In A.M. passed a deserted mining town and saw where the shafts went thru under the road. In the afternoon, after the storm, we passed another deserted town 1 mile from Point of Rocks--The Chevrolet was ahead. Saw wonderful hills of rocks and waved at men in mail-plane. At 7:00 P.M. the sun was as high as 4:00 to 5:00P.M. in Ill. Some bad holes in the road. Dad's lights failed him at the curve, came thru safely. Fixed them at the edge of town. People awfully courteous. Camped at Rock Springs. In after 10:00

Sunday, July 9: Washed clothes and cleaned some sand out of the car. Supper after7:30 P.M. About 9:30 into bed. Dad bo't my new diary book. Billie and Norman took a walk and mailed some cards. When they came back we teased them.

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