Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - page 6 - Wedding Announcement


THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925 [Madera Tribune]

     One of Madera's most popular young ladies, Miss Lenoir Inez Leonard, more familiarly known among her friends as "Bobby" was married to Shirley G. Triplett of Madera at Santa Ana at 2:30 this afternoon.

     This occurance has been expected for some time by the Madera friends of the two popular young people, but the exact time of the occurance had been kept a secret except to the immediate members of the bride's family.

     The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Leonard of Madera, coming here with her family from Maple Park, Illinois, some three years ago. She graduated from high school in Illinois in 1922, and followed this with a post graduate business course in the Madera high school. In December, 1923, she began work as secretary of the Madera Business Men's association and assistant secretary of the Madera County Chamber of Commerce.

     The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Triplett of Burbank. He has been in Madera for the past five years, coming here from Arizona where he was an employee of the Santa Fe. At the present time he is auto motive electrician with the Standard garage.

     Mr. and Mrs. Triplett will spend some time traveling around in the south, expecting to return to Madera about September 1 to make their home at 112 South N Street.

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