Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 5

went to bed half way early.

Sun. June 18: Up comparatively late. No Sunday School, or church. Berwyn and Ted over about 1. Bunch for ride with them, all but Cleo Home for dinner about 2. Cleo sore and Billie and Lysle. Bunch to Vilas Park, and folks for ride. I went with Berwyn and Theo to a place I shouldn't have gone had I known where we were going........RESOLVED: Never to tell where we went and to always stick with the bunch and quit singleing off. Folks home about 7:10 and kids home after 8. Supper awful late. Mailed cards and bo't bread and candy, Anne, Marion and I. Anne stayed all nite. Dad and Uncle Floyd fooled a long time before going to sleep. They slept in the truck again.

Mon. June 19: A.M. Up at 5 to 5 --awful sleepy. Lysle came down a few minutes after I did. Cleo got down in time to say good-bye. Left 7:45. Stopped in Verona for supplies. Stopped about an hour for dinner. Travelled up and down hills all forenoon - touring car missed, so did truck - hard to climb hills. I walked, or climbed up 2 hills, long, winding ones, tool. Billie drove the truck home. Some more hills but made them all fine, but one. On one hill Dad left us and we had to back down and start over. One plug still missing. Stopped at Madrell's a little south and 2 1/2 miles east of South Wayne. Stayed all nite, put in new clutch and brake bands in truck. Lucille Madrill, girl at place. Went in house after supper and played. In after 9.

Tues. June 20: Up at 4 A. M. Finished repairs on truck. Broke camp and left South Wayne about 6:45 - 2 detours. Still on Trail 20, at

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