Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 12

 Sunday July 2: Still at North Platte. Every body pull out of water, as much as possible. We ironed the clothes. Soon the sun came out and dried things offa bit. We sat around doing nothing. After dinner Billie and I walked down town and mailed some cards. When we came back we sat in the touring car. Between 2 or 3 Georges' car came up. They gave us each a name card and said they would try to make Ogallala by nite fall. About supper time, the New York boys came in, in their little ford. After supper we played the victrola and Mable came over. Later 2 girls from Salt Lake City came over. We walked around the block and found the New York fellow there talking to Mother. We stood and talked a while, then separated. Mother and Winnifred went to bed. Billie and I stood and talked with him. Then we went to bed.

Monday, July 3: Up about 5. Left North Platte 15 to 6. Just West of there about 10 or 15 miles, we saw cacti, and a spiny plant. We also saw a thistle with a white blossom and a milk weed with a blossom much like a morning glory. When we came to the hills west of North Platte we struck sand, and the vegetation changed. we had a little trouble with the touring car, but nothing serious. We camped at Sidney about 4:30 or 5:00 o'clock. Filled the cars with gas and set up camp. Nobody was very good-natured. Every one was on edge. We passed a big granite slab, with Oregon Trail, and some more engraved on it, in the afternoon, but I do not remember just where. Mother and Win went to bed about 9, and I went to bed about 7:30, and Billie stayed up until 10 and helped some campers shoot off some fire-works.

July 4, Tuesday: Up about quarter to 5. When I got out Dad had many things done, he had the water bags filled, the side-curtains down, etc. He jacked both cars before cranking and they started much easier than usual. We broke camp about 15 to 6. We noticed

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