Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 14

fully. We expected rain, but did not get it. We went to bed about 8:30. Not much fire-works in the park--a couple fire-crackers and a roman candle. We went to bed about 8:30.

Wednesday, July 5: Wind still blowing. Dad and mother walked over town to get the mail. Got the oiler parts. They left both cars for protection for the tent against the wind and sand. Billie and I worked around. Billie did the dishes, and I tightened the tent and fixed a place on one of Dad's big tires. Mother saw and the rest of us heard, the U.S. Mail plane start at 20 minutes to 6. We packed up 2 trunks and 2 boxes and Dad took them down and sent them. He had to crate the t5unks. Billie and I went over and saw the Jim Baker Cabin in the park. Dad came back and we helped him cut the truck down 16 inches. Had a late supper and went to bed. Had the springs tied on the top.

Thursday, July 6: Saw cavalrymen. Finished on cars at 9:30. Folks from Michigan with us. Travelled thru the rain and clouds on the tops of hills all morning. Saw some beautiful rocks, some larger than the truck. Rocks awfully red. Saw Ames monument. Drove down grade about 12 miles. Awfully wet and chilled; stopped soon after noon at Laramie. Fairly good camp-grounds. Norman, Will, Billie and I went to the play-grounds in the evening. In .the day-time we went over town; Norman, Billie and I went over town. In the morning we passed over the highest spot on the Hi-way. In rather late.

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