Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 6

noon. Can see haze over the Mississippi Valley from stopping  place.. We passed great patches of snake grass in bloom. The blue flowers looked very pretty. Saw 6 lead mines. Rock was crushed there for roads. Climbed some bad hills just before dinner. Stopped for dinner between 10:30 and 11:30. ate dinner in a school yard. In Dubque at 1 P.M. and Earlville at 3:45. Filled up gas tanks a Earlville. Heard whip-poor-will up closely Monday nite. Tuesday we saw carary, bluebird, a gray-brown bird with white underneath and another with grayish back, and a gray-green breast. Earlwille 60 miles from Waterloo. Resolved: to try to make it. Crossed the Mississippi River just at 12. At Masonville a fellow started to stare at us, Billie returned his stare, and he ducked in[t]o the lunch room and stayed. Set for camp at 2 minutes to 6, west of Masonville. In afternoon, saw a wedding procession returning from the church. The fellow who ran the farm, where we camped was a batchelor. He had a young lad working for hi, and they both went away for supper and stayed all night. Billie wanted the top spring put into the tent and then we girls slept in the tent and the folks in the truck. We were all in bed by 8:30.

Wed. June 21: Up at 4:30 on the road by 6:10. Resolved: Never will we take the springs out of the truck again, unless they are to be left out. Arrived at Aunt Ivy's around 10 A.M. Letter from Shorty, watched electric locomotive. Found Aunt Ivy's place easily. Visited an old stone quarry before dinner. Got 3 things to press, one cone flower was very fragrant. The afternoon was uneventful. Mother, Aunt Ivy and Grace went down town. Mother got my patent leather slippers half-soled, and bo't me a pair of tennis slippers. She also got me a pair of black silk stockings,

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