Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 10

gray truck left camp about 5. We passed them several times and they passed us several times. We saw two strips where the corn had been shredded by hail and cyclone storm. We just missed a bad storm. Stopped near Columbus for lunch about 20 min. Saw 3 bunnies and 1 squirrel. The folks saw a jack rabbit, but Billie and I missed it. After dinner Billie ran into a ditch and up against a fence post (cement). Nothing hurt about the car. All of us scared. Mother's upper lip was cut on the windshield and bruised, so that it swelled way up. Her nose was hurt badly inside, too; and her knee bruised and skinned. After she got to camp she cut her finger on the table; and Dad said she looked about like a prize-fighter. Dad had trouble with the timer on the truck. We lost over two hours all to-gether. We made over 115 miles anyway. The big gray truck was camped when we arrived. We camped at Grand Island, Nebraska. Some Indians stopped back of our cars. The woman was a full-blood and the man mixed. We came into camp about 5. Lots of fields of grain were shocked. A queer woman wandered around the camp for a while. We went to bed about 8. There were 27 tents in camp; 25 were tourists.

Friday, June 30: Up about 5. Started at 6:30, took our dinners with us. The trees are few and far between, but those you see are tall. Lots of them are cotton-woods. We had one especially rough detour and saw an owlsitting on a fence-post. We saw some tiny little toads and a big jack-rabbit. We saw our first ranch this morning. One of 2 fields we passed, the grain was cut and

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