Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 4

[The infant's picture on the left is actually a picture of one of the four children of Daniel Wilson Clarke and Anna Lillian Schaffer.]

June 14: Up late-did dishes alone, helped iron, scrubbed auto seats bath after dinner. Walked to Yakahama River with Theo and Berwyn, back on  street-car. Had drinks (Strawberry pop), pop-corn, cones. Home  before girls, who walked to Tenny Park, with baby. Awfully home-sick. Called for Theo at Shoudy's, gone before I called. To bed kinda early, added to Shorty's letter, word from Aunt Lenoir.

Thurs. June 15: Been here a week. Slept part of forenoon, Aunt Minnie up town. Mulberries ripening. Taste fine. Dad on route with Uncle Floyd again. bo't 25 more cards, Billie got letter from Laura, and I wrote to Bess. It rained a little before breakfast - read some in book, got them in Colombia. Billis slept upstairs Wed. nite. Anne over in the evening, walked home with her, stopped to talk. Talked with Ted, Bill and Hank. Ted a big joke, asked me if I was going to finish grammar school in California and come back for High School, wouldn't believe I am 18 and graduated. Home about 5 to 10.

June 16, Friday: rain before 7, heard Uncle Floyd start out with his new car. Dad called back about 7. Sun shining then. Sent rose bud, and letter to Wilhelm. All went for a ride thru Villas & Cottage Grove, and back home via Sun Prairie Road. Anne over after supper. We went for a ride with Uncle Floyd. Went to store and spent 25 c[ents]. home about 10.

Saturday, June 17: Up about 7:30, Anne left right away. Gave baby a ride and put her asleep A M and P M. Aunt Lenoir, Uncle Charles and boys arrived after 2 P M. Cleo and I went to the store. Fooled around, rode to Miller's store with Uncle Floyd. 8 in car, counting Jonnie (dog). Uncle Charles left in meantime. Teased Marion and

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