Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 19

5:00 where we camped all night. There were many Indians there, and the ranch owner told us they came over from their reservation to work for him every year. A Missourian, camped there, told us that all Californians were liars. We bo't some soap there, discovered there was a post office in connection with the store.

Saturday, July 15--We tried to get oil at Anderson's Ranch, but NO LUCK. After that we pushed the truck up to the summit, and coasted most of the way down to Old Stone Fort, where we got some oil. Caught in a little mud-hole crossing the creek. At Magnussen's ranch the lawn was mowed. Just a little way past the rank we encountered hot winds. At 15 to 2--a blow out--left front tire on the touring car. Camped at Ely, and stayed over Sunday.

Sunday, July 16--Talked wit[h] oth[er] campers, while Billie and Dad went up on a high hill, and found old mines, Dad shot off his revolver, and could only see the smoke, we could hear no noise whatever.

Monday--July 17--Ely to Eureka--I can't remember much of anyting that happened along here. We arrived in Eureka sometime around 5:00. We had to chase some burroughs [?] off the Camp Ground, which really looked like a dumping ground, and where there were most no conveniences. Some people from Oklahoma stopped there and the oldest girl hummed tunes while the boy played them on his steel-guitar.

Tuesday, July 18--Madera long run from Eureka to Austin among hills and on flats during the day-rode in in a storm around and around hi[t] into camp between 10 and 11.

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